Chapter 69

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The first thing Silas did after being sworn in as king was to banish Hallie Asher from ever stepping foot on Esaria soil again. The decision was a mercy, considering her power-hungry turn deserved more altitudes of death. To avoid acting falling into similar habits as his father, Silas made a clean decision to let her go with her life.

It wasn't an easy verdict to come to. The two spent much of their life protecting each other and believing their future revolved around nothing other than what they planned to do as king and queen of Esaria. No one fought Silas's order. With a crown on his head and an orb-tipped staff in his hand, his boots planted firmly on the dais that holds his throne, he makes the rules now.

After everything they went through, even what she did to ruin his life as well as the future of the king's, adding in Ducoria's residents, Silas couldn't bring himself to kill her. He avoided saying a word to her once we captured the rest of the king's forces and stored them in the dungeons. But Silas wouldn't allow himself to trip into the murderous cracks this kingdom built itself on thousands of years ago.

The only requirement for the alliance with Idokren was that Hallie's father had to allow her to keep her life, as well. Her father, still angered, believed Silas's decision to be an outrageous act. She committed treason. Silas had chosen to let Hallie keep her life long before the golden spiked crown rested comfortably on his head.

No harm is to come to Hallie once she returns home. A hand will not be lifted in her direction and if Silas hears word of that rule being broken, the alliance is off and he'll personally see to it that Idokren's reputation is squandered. She is to receive a private residence outside of their palace with guards to protect her from the angered citizens or that of the family that abandoned her all those years ago.

Hallie received something from Silas that none of us would have offered in a million years. She's not deserving of reward, and what he chose to give her seems close enough to that. A life of safety, comfort. But Hallie must live with her decisions. I have gone beyond caring whether she views siding with Silas's father as a mistake, yet I hope she drowns in that despair of losing everything she could have had.

This is the last thing Silas can offer her after so many years of them protecting each other form the horrors of the castle. Though he wouldn't meet her eye, and the same went for the other way around, Hallie appreciated the effort. She left without another word, as well as her father after the crowning ceremony of both Silas and Renit.

Silas received the honor and leadership of a king, and Renit received a newfound likeness for being a prince in Esaria's new day. Nothing that was imparted by his father, and the honor of Silas placing the crown on his head as he kneeled before the dais brought tears to my eyes. There is no higher righteousness.

Their positions aren't the only events declared at the celebration in a castle full of dirt-covered, blood-stained witches. Arego is to become an official city in Esaria. A diverse group of individuals will call it home. Those seeking safety from other kingdoms, as well as training grounds for warriors and wizards wishing to join the king's personal army. Silas's army. With a different goal in mind other than control.

The part of the castle ruined, that of the king's personal chambers, didn't fault anyone other than the witch dead at the hands of his son's blade. Silas began ordering repairs as soon as he could and provided Avalie with chambers of her own. It came as no surprise that she rejected the offer.

I don't know what she went through in the underground portion of the castle. All I know is that the bruises and cuts along her body are answer enough. They'll fade away within a matter of days underneath the influence of the titanium band since she doesn't yet trust her power. Neither did the king or Hallie when they demanded information from her. But she never gave it up, not a word.

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