Chapter 68

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"It's over," Renit growls. He has a wide stance, his sword drawn. The sun's glisten dances down the blade as he angles it, aiming directly for his father's neck. Years of training forced by the man he's opposing has led him to this moment, to the point he grips the handle so tight that his knuckles turn a bright shade of white. He drops his chin in preparation for the onslaught of our final stand. His father's final stand.

"After everything I've done for you." The king's nostrils flare. "I gave you life, gave you a home, and allowed you to have a family in this castle."

The titanium band twinkles despite the parting, swirling clouds taking over the sky. Soon enough, there won't be a sun at all. Renit's storm covers it all.

The king gestures towards the remnants of the empty castle behind him and the last bit of an army he has, even if it's hardly a figment of what he had minutes ago. "This is how you repay me? By taking everything I have?"

Silas speaks next. His lip curls back from his teeth and he shifts on his feet. I stand between them but remain behind. Waiting. Thrumming. Pressure building. This is their fight, not mine. Not that of everyone standing around the ruined, blood-stained courtyard. "You took everything we have," Silas objects. "From the day we were born, our lives didn't belong to us. You strung us along like puppets and forced us to do your bidding." His chest rises and falls in one fluid, deep breath. "No longer."

The king's dark eyes dart between his two sons. At one point in my life, what seems like so long ago, I didn't trust either of them. They sat on the dais together, at their father's side, and refused to stand when the fight demanded it. The day I lost my parents, I never thought I would see this moment. Esaria's two princes standing against the man they once sided with to a fault. In the span of time, three hundred years wasted, too many people died. They lost their lives because everyone was too scared to fight.

Now, as I stand with my body to the king, the wind ripping through my hair and clothes, my body tightening at the recognition of a lightning storm, an army behind me, I realize how strong we have become. No one, in all the reign of the Marron line, was strong enough to do this. Lands didn't converge as one, alliances didn't fall apart, life meant more than taking a stand. That ends today.

"You're making a terrible decision, my sons," the king tries once more. "This kingdom is mine; it has been for the better part of five-hundred years. I ruled with your mother, strengthened the people, gave the world a reason to appreciate me. You're planning on throwing that away with a soft reign." He directs the threat at Silas. Once his son takes the crown, the kingdom will soften like melted butter. After everything he did to harden the hearts of the people.

Renit loosens his stance enough to swallow. "You killed our mother and left us to pick up the pieces. You weakened the people by scaring them into compliance, and the world does not appreciate you. The world fears you, and those are two very different things," he growls.

They're dragging this out. As lightning begins to cleave across the sky and strike into the back of the courtyard, creating a physical wall that the king or the remainder of our enemies can't get through, I come to the conclusion that, despite all their father as done, these are his final moments. And what needs to be said...can't wait for the death. There is freedom in death and the Marron brothers aren't ready to complete it.

"It's you, Renit, that I believed to be better than this. Your brother was always kind, always selfless. He gave my people a reason to believe that this kingdom could better itself someday. But you...I trusted you to keep the people in line once I handed over my reign," the king says. He makes a show of looking Renit up and down as if this is the first time he has truly looked at his son. "I was hoping the death of your love and your son would harden you until the end of time."

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