Chapter 61

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Our luck has stretched few and far in between during this entire rebellion. We've lost too many lives, haven't had thorough planning, have fought each other and declared our allies to be enemies, but one thing has gone our way. And it didn't happen on home land, in the kingdom of Esaria; it happened on Saebia's territory, at the docks.

Arjun doesn't care that his courtyard is ruined or all the hard work he went through is utterly gone. He doesn't care. As soon as we completed counting the bodies of both enemy and ally, gathering identification, and taking what weapons and armor we might need, Arjun ordered our entire fleet, as well as his own, to head for the docks.

We weren't wasting another second on staying here. Esaria needs us now and the more time we waste, the more risk we take. So we headed for the docks as a group of Saebia and rebels, our leather armor stretched through the land like a blanket of brown and silver. Pride is easy to come by when I look over my shoulder and spot the fleet, muttering to themselves about plans or farewells to their families.

We ride on the backs of appaloosas, their coats covered with the spots of moons and their eyes bluer than the ocean waters. A gift from Arjun, at least until we get to the docks. We ride through the farmlands, sitting tall, and citizens watch from their doorsteps, their pastures, through the windows or on the backs of their own horses.

They don't know what is happening. But the Saebia flag fluttering in the wind, gripped in Arjun's gloved hand, is answer enough. We won't battle here. Not on this peaceful land. We're taking the war to Esaria, and once more, Saebia is a competitor. But the stakes are different and his surrender is currently nothing more than a slip of paper, a whisper in the wind. For he is still standing, and his people are still fighting.

Those on the trails move to the side and watch us pass, our fleet shrinking into the size of a lengthy snake that slithers through on the clopping of horse hooves. Renit, Silas, and Arjun ride at the front, behind a solid line of guards, and I bring up the rear with Tesha, Bren, Binx, and Citlali. We create an impenetrable formation that stretches out behind us in waves of soldiers.

I don't realize how far our luck has stretched until we reach the docks of Saebia. We ride through the streets and wide-eyed merchants cry out that their king has arrived. Their king is heading for the docks. The king is sailing. But they don't know what for, or where. The flag he carries is symbol enough to what we're doing, but they don't want to put that thought in their mind. They don't want to think the day has come for war.

Esaria's destruction didn't just halt the beauty of the king's courtyard. It hit here, too. The ship in the docks is unmanned as the Saebia soldiers took out those that invaded. But innocent people lost their lives, and the aftermath of that is still present. Bodies lie, still warm, on the sides of the streets and blood splatters from where they were dragged are what the hooves of these horses clop over without a second thought.

Arjun orders for a stretch of his men to search the Saebia ship, what's left of it, and gather supplies. The other ship, still sinking in the shallow waters, never reached the shore. But their soldiers did. That's clear by the pile of guards towards the side of the docks, on a small stretch of sandy shore. Both enemy and ally took their final breaths there, and the rest made it onto land and to the king's courtyard.

The water is stained red.

I can't imagine the destruction had we not been here. But that is not all that catches my eye.

It's a flag, one adorned with a cypress tree and a golden shield framing its back. I've never seen the flag before with my own eyes, but I've heard of the owner. Idokren. Hallie's kingdom. That belonging to the Asher line is a relative to Silas and a potential ally to Esaria once they are wed. Once the two royal lines are united as one.

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