Chapter 56

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Parting through the haze of the ocean morning, I squint to spot the domed buildings, the large palaces, and the structures wrapped delicately, and thick, with lime mortar. They're pale and smooth in comparison to the rough stone of Esaria's craft, but beautiful all the same. The colored accents of towering peaks and rows upon rows of latticed windows takes my breath away.

This is Saebia. I can hardly believe the sight before me, a different kingdom other than where I've resided my entire life. This isn't Esaria, a place I know like the back of my hand. This is a different world filled with bright colors, awestruck streets, small villages, and looming palaces.

"I have to say, this is quite beautiful," Renit expresses when he appears at my side, a satchel slung over his shoulder. The corner of his mouth tugs up in a smile, his eyes twinkling when he studies the layers upon layers of civilian life before us.

Already, the smells of a port town are finding their way to the ship. Fried fish seasoned with strong curry spice, masala prawns, crab mouth starts to water. I squint harder, trying to find the source of the delicious smells, and find the docks lined with ocean fish of all types. Surmai, rawas, red snapper, bangus—everything the mind can think of.

Through the cracks of the lime mortar buildings, lush gardens and pastures fill empty spots. Every space is put to use, and everyone moving about is not subjected to lack of task. They move quickly, seemingly a blur, their kurta's of reds and browns swaying through the crowds and their sherwani's, buttoned and clasped at the throat—too fine for such a port town.

There's more life in this city than anything I've ever seen in Esaria. There's a difference here when comparing the two kingdoms and I can't say my home has put me in such awe. Glancing across the deck, Tesha's chin is held high and her frown is deep upon recognizing the kingdom she once called home. She doesn't jump for glee, doesn't smile, doesn't jitter with nerves.

Tesha's stony expression hasn't changed from the moment we left Esaria to the second we've arrived in Saebia. Her lips are painted bright red, her hair braided and hung over the side of her shoulder, the frayed ends catching in the port breeze. Her shoulders stand square and the quiver strapped to her back is fully stocked with arrows. Nothing has changed.

Alaric comes to her side, says something in a hushed tone, and claps her on the shoulder. She doesn't ruse, hardly moves other than to take a deep breath, and flares her nostrils in disappointment. I don't have to be near to know what Alaric just told her. The one leading us to the palace should be the one the king won't kill and that's not the royal family of Esaria, but Tesha. Still on his side of the alliance.

The merchant crew we stowed away with makes quick work of docking into the harbor, jumping off onto the docks to tug on the rope to stop the ship while others scramble for dropping the anchor into the water. It doesn't take long for the gangplank to come out, followed by the clunking of boots and the rock of the ship against these gentle, yet well-constructed docks.

We are nothing of importance. Not to the residents of this fine port town. But to the guards, we pose a threat. Two guards of Tesha's matching skin tone, an olive with red undertones, stroll to us across the docks and demand for identification and merchant number.

I'm too far away and too preoccupied with ensuring Silas doesn't wobble off the side of the gangplank that I don't hear what she has to say. But the two guards exchange a glance, one of them looking back to study where Renit and I stand, along with Silas, and my heart leaps in my chest. If they recognize something is, they won't. My leather gloves hide the truth to my identity and the two princes to the kingdom of Esaria aren't spotted easily.

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