Little miracles

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That's how I've always felt.

Well, not always.

Before that, I lived at an orphanage, but, there was an accident and the place burned down. 

It was 1 year ago.

Everyone there died because they were trapped. Since I was at school when that happened, I was the only survivor.

I was the oldest then and I was only 15. Everyone else kept getting adopted, but not me.

Maybe it was because of my white hair or my mismatched eyes. But it didn't bother me a lot since I had a cat that looked like me. Her name was Luna. She was my only friend. All the other kids never talked to me. Which I was grateful for since I'd rather have them not talk to me at all than to be bullied and harassed.

Sadly, Luna was in my room when the place caught fire, so she was trapped in my room with no chance of escape. 

The police gave me what they could recover from the fire. It was a picture of me and Luna. And that was all.

Since I was the only survivor, they gave me 2 choices.

1 was to get transferred to another orphanage.

2 was to live by myself.

I chose to live by myself. 

For a few weeks I lived at a small, but cozy apartment and I continued to go to school.

At least at school everyone left me alone. 

Then a few days after my 16th birthday, a cop came to my home and told me something about my inheritance.

Apparently, before my parents died in a car crash, they were really rich. 

My father owned one of the biggest businesses in the world and my mother was the CEO.

They left everything to me, including their money, business, and their mansions.

That's right. Mansions. With 'S' at the end.

Their will said that if they were not present, at 16, I could get their money and mansions. But their business at 21. Currently, it is being ran by some other people.

So now, I am living in one of the closest mansions I could get to. 

The day after I moved, I went to get copies of the picture of Luna and me, so now there is a picture of it in every hall. 

My new home had multiple hallways and floors. The first few days, I always got lost, but then I came up with a way to not get lost.

I decorated a few with things that I like. The rest I left alone and kept them as guest bedrooms.

In one hall, I dedicated it all to anime. Anime was one of the few things that kept me sane. And all the tears I spilled for the characters that died are enough to fill an ocean. Specially those in Naruto. I always pity them. They should have all had a happy ending.

The house was still far so I had to change schools. Great.

But everyone forgets I exist so that is great. Cuz honestly, I don't feel like socializing.

At least now I get to go home since its Friday.

I break out of my thoughts as the final bell rings. I pack up my things and leave to the parking lot. As I get out, it starts to rain so I hurry and get in my black camaro. 

As I drive through the rain, I start to crave something sweet, so I make my way to a dessert cafe. I buy a cake for myself, cuz its for me, and I leave. When I go back to the car I put the cake where the feet are supposed to go in the passenger side. As I get my keys, I hear some noice coming from an alley next to the cafe.

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