Chapter One

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AN: Hello everyone, Ninjago100 here and back with a new story and a brand new chapter! I would like to give a shout out to a_random_fangirl56 for giving me some ideas on how to develop this story for all of you to read. Again, once I get 100 views or 25 comments, the "last chapter" will be unpublished and start the story out right! I am very open to any ideas on what you would like to see happen or for any help with this story. Thank you all who have read this story, and I hope that I will exceed your expectations! I will try to update as fast as I can with giving you a story that you all will love! The story will set after the VERY beginning of Volume 7 Chapter 3 and will be set in Atlas for the time being. Thanks again,



Oscar's POV

I sit there with the relic and sighed. I mean, what was the point of being here if we cant even stop Salem? Oz lied to us, broken our trust, and is now deciding to be quiet when we need him the most. Jinn did show us Ozpin- no, Ozma's past, but that just added more questions to our list of things we don;t know. I lay down on the couch I was sitting on. It was white with a fur texture to the touch. It was lined with golden thread and the rims that held the couch together were solid gold. The cushions were so soft, it felt like I was laying on clouds. But not even the beauty or the softness of the couch could keep me distracted from the questions in mind.

Why did Ozpin lie? He could of trusted us, right? Am I just going to be one of Ozpin's lives? Was this my purpose in life? Why do I feel so guilty for lying to Ironwood?  I turn over to face the relic that was setting on the table in front of me. Why did Ruby trust me with this? Why me? 

"Hey, you ok there Oscar?" I jumped and shot straight up, grabbed the cane and looked around to see Ironwood looking at me. He put his hands up in a way to show that he meant no harm. "Woah! Easy there kid, did not mean to startle you." My heart was racing as I tried to force it to calm down. I put the cane down and sat. Ironwood came around and jestered to the empty spot right next to me. "May I?" he asked. I must have nodded my head because he sat down right next to me. We sat there in silence, looking at the relic that was placed before us. He looked at me and sighed.

"Hey, what is going on? Is something bothering you?" I looked at him. Hell yeah there is something bothering me! I have an ancient wizard living in the back part of my head, we learned that we cant beat Salem, I was left behind by team RWBY and JNR, I miss my old farm back at Mistral, my aunt has probably the whole police force out looking for me, I am losing my soul to Ozpin, and not to mention, I will problably never be my self in a few more weeks. Oh, and on top of all of that, I still have not told Ruby how I feel about her! Otherwise, I am doing just fine, thank you very much. But no way in my last few weeks of my 'life' am I going to tell him that. So...

"Yeah. It's just... this whole thing seems crazy." By now, I am wondering if he will say something comforting like, 'It is, but once we defeat Salem, everything would be back to normal,'  or 'hey, this kind of stuff is pretty normal for a huntsman.' Actually, those would make me feel a lot worse. Maybe he might have a better pep talk than I can think of. But instead, all he says is this:

"I know." I look at him expectently to say more, but he turns to me and looks at me funny. "What?"

Oh. Great. Gee, thanks for the pep talk pal. I groan and do a half sitting half laying down thing with my head on the armrest of the couch.

"Hey," Ironwood start to talk again. I hope it is something like, 'don't worry, we got this,' or maybe 'we're all in this together'. 

Great, sounds like something I watched on Disney Channel back on the farm.

Can you imagine all of Atlas coming together with all the bad guys and everyone else to do that dance? Yeah, me neither. You know what, I wish I was feeling like dancing and cheering around like that, but hey, this is real life and not some TV show. Anyways, Ironwood continues.

"Once we defeat Salem, everything will go back to normal. I know we can." Grreeeeeeeaaaatttt. Should I mention that we CAN'T defeat Salem?!?

"Uh- huh." I just wish I could disappear, or something. To my luck, Ironwood either got the hint that I wanted to be alone, or I was boring him. Either way, he gets up off the couch and turns to walk away. Just when I thought I could not feel any more bad, he stops and sighs.

"You know, we are really lucky to have you Oscar. And at least we can trust you to tell the truth..." Ouch. That hurt is SO many ways, he does not even know it. I hear the door shut, and thought of what he just said.

At least we can trust you to tell the truth...

I sigh. Ozpin, why did your life have to be so complicated? And why drag me into this mess? I think as I slowly drift off in to a light sleep...

So tell me what you think and please review!

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