Chapter 6

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Hey guys! Wow, you guys must want me to update. Well, as promised, we hit that 300 view mark, and so here is your chapter. I do need time to figure out the next few chapters, so bare with me. If we get up to 500 views, I will update the next chapter. I am looking for songs that would go great with these chapters, so if you have a song that you think might work, please tell me. In the comments, tell me whose POV to do next. Here is Chapter 6!



Qrow's POV

After Oscar calmed down a bit, he decided to continue to spar. Ruby was skeptic of that, and urged him to go rest, but he refused.

"I am fine Ruby. Besides, getting a morning battle will help me wake up a bit." She looked at me with pleading eyes, probably wanting me to go tell him to go rest, but hey, the kid knows when to take a break. Knowing that she lost the argument, she turned and walked to the bleachers to watch the battle take place.

"Ok, whose turn is it next to spar with Oscar?" I looked around for any takers and was surprised when Weiss raised her hand. Oscar looked at her and nodded. 

"Alright. I accept." Oscar said to no one in particular. They both met each other in the middle of the battle field and shook hands. Then they got to the opposite sides of the arena and waited for the battle to begin.

"Ok, I want a nice clean fight." I turned to Weiss who was smirking already. "That means you, princess." She rolled her eyes in annoyance. Just like her sister I thought with a smirk.

"On you marks," Weiss got into her fighting stance. "Get set..." Oscar took his cane out, twirled it a few times before grasping it firmly in his hand.

"DON'T GO!" Both Weiss and Oscar stumbled forward, as I chuckled.

"Qrow! What did you do that for?!" Weiss looked at me with the same stern glare Winter gave me when I asked her out on a date. Yep, just like her sister.

"Just was testing to see if you guys were paying attention, that's all." I took a sip of my rum when I saw Weiss tapping her foot. "Alright, fine. Gees, when Yang goes and does something like this, you don't get onto her case."

"Yea, well we get on her with her terribly bad puns."

"Hey! At least they have some pun-tential in them!" I heard Weiss groan.

"Not now, Yang"

"Sorry." I rolled my eyes.

"GO!" Just as soon as the word 'go' left my mouth, the battle came to life. Weiss used her gravity gliss to propel herself into the air, wasting no time to shoot fire gliss towards Oscar. His eyes went wide as he dodged left, rolling on the floor before getting into a runners position. He then went full on charged, sprinting towards Mrs. Schnee. He swung his cane from the upper left as he jumped to get a shoulder shot. Weiss saw where Oscar was headed and back flipped 3 times to avoid getting hit. Oscar stood up slowly as she brushed off her dress, and looked at him.

"Hm! Maybe if you were faster, you would have gotten me. But not bad for a farm hand from Mistral." Oscar looked at her and smirked.

"Then you must have forgotten that I have a 1000 year old wizard in my head that has been teaching me a few things." Weiss's smirk faltered as her face drained of color.

"Well then, farm boy. Show us what you got." She closed her eyes, and used her hand to power up her weapon. Oscar propped an eyebrow and smiled.

"As you wish, Ice queen."


After about half way through the battle, Oscar started to slow down again. His reactions started to delay and his attacks got weaker. Weiss offered to stop, but he insisted on going on. But after a few moments, he started to cough. Like, almost as if he was having trouble breathing.

"Oscar, you ok?" He responded by another fit of coughing.

"OSCAR!" I turned my head to see a bullet of red race down to where Oscar is. I stood up to check to see if he was alright. He fell onto his hands and knees and continued his coughing. When I reached him, his face was red and he was spitting up. Unsure of what to do, I grabbed his face and examined it. All color was gone from his face and his pupils were very tiny.

"Blake, go get him some water! Weiss, go find Ironwood and take Ruby with you. You will need her speed."


"No buts! Ruby, I know you have feelings for him but we can resolve your love life after  we help Oscar!" Everyone was silent except for Oscar's coughing. I looked around at all of the stunned faces. Ruby's face was redder than her cape.

"GO!" I yelled. Everyone sprang to life. Ruby's eyes watered before taking off with Weiss. After she and Weiss left, I directed my focus back to Oscar.

"Oscar? Oscar if you can hear me, say something!" He looked at me with fear in his eyes. "Kid, please. Tell us what is going on, we can help you!" His eyes vibrated, and he took a deep breath. He tried to say something as his mouth moved, but no sound came out.

"Kid?" His eyes shrunk and he took a sharp inhale. His eyes held mine for a second before they rolled back, and passed out in my arms, with drool coming out of his mouth. Before I could do anything, I heard Ruby.


What happened to Oscar? Why is he acting like this? Has Ospin abandoned our favorite heroes? Find out in chapter 7! (PS: sorry to leave you like this.)

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