Chapter 4

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AN: Sup my people! So today, I watched the new episode of Ruby, and realized I should mention something: This story right now, is taking place BEFORE season 7 episode 11. In fact, the first full arc is. So what I have to ask is to bear with me as this story continues on. I do however have an idea on what to do for arc two. But for now, let's enjoy this story and make a riot for having Rooster Teeth leave us on that cliff hanger XP

Disclamer: I do not own anything of RWBY... but I can dream. Right?


Qrow's POV

The next morning, Oscar woke up looking under the weather. His eyes were blood shot and his skin is pale. He wobbled into the kitchen rubbing his eyes from sleep.

"G'mornin'" Oscar mumbled out as he sat down at the table. He stifled a yawn with no success, which caught the attention of Ren.

"Are you ok Oscar? You dont look too good."

"Yea, I'm fine... Just *Yawns* a little tired is all." He turned his attention to me, then back to Ren. "what we having for-"

"Breakfast?" Oscar nodded. "Pancakes, as usual." Oscar gave another tired nod befor lying his head down of the table. Ren looked at me and I shrugged. Nora came in with a plate of what had to be at least 50 pancakes when she noticed Oscar sitting at the table.

"OSCAR!!!" She threw the pancakes up in the air and rushed over to the sleeping boy. Ren went wide eyed as he jumped out of his seat to catch the enormous plate of pancakes. I heard Oscar mumble something. Then something weird happened. Time seemed to slow down around us. Ren did a slow mo belly flop to the floor with his arms reached out as the pancakes slowly fell into his hands. I turned to see Nora also in slow motions as well, with her hands reached out to give Oscar a hug. Her feet were off the floor as if she jumped. Her eyes were closed and a huge smile appeared on her face. The only person who was not stuck in this weird phenomenon was Oscar.

I heard and audible gasp from the doorway. I looked to see Yang with her hands over her mouth, and her eyes as wide as Nora's pancakes as she looked around. She backed up, clearly unaffected by what was going on. Oscar mumbled something again and everything went back to normal speed. Nora's eyes opened and looked at me. Ren's eyes went wide with shock and confusion with what had just happened. He blinked twice before saying,

"Uhh... what just happened?" Before I could say anything, Ruby walked in with a toothbrush in her mouth and looked at us, here face had the question, 'What' written all over it. 

Ren looked at me.

I looked at Yang.

Nora looked at Ren, then Ren looked at Ruby.

Yang looked at Ren.

Nora looked at me.

I looked at Oscar who was completely unaware of what just happened.

Then we all looked at Ruby.

"Well you see, uh..."

"We were... um.."


"Yea! Training with..."

"Pancakes when Yang came in"

"Ren was going to toss the pancakes to see if I could hit them."

"Uh... then I realized we did not have any... umm"

"Car oil!" We looked at Nora.

"...To drive to the grocery store to buy-"

"Hot sauce!" We looked at Nora again. she mouthed 'sorry'. Ruby looked at us.

"And why do you need to get hot sauce?"

"Ren love hot sauce on his pancakes!" Ren gave her the 'Shut up' look.

"Yes, I love hot sause on my pancakes." Then Yang spoke up.

"Thats why Ren is on the floor. To look for hot sauce. For... his pancakes." Ren gave her a 'seriously?' look before noticing Ruby looking at him. He smiled while giving a nervous chuckle.

"Ok, let me see if I cot this straight: You guys were training with Nora's pancakes when Yang came in to have Ren throw them to see if she could hit them when you realized you were out of car oil to drive to the grocery store to buy hot sauce for Ren for his pancakes, while Ren is on the floor looking for hot sauce?" Silence.

"Yea..???" Yang said as she shrugged her shoulders. Ruby put her hand on her hip.

"Ok then, then answer this: 1) why is Nora hugging Oscar, 2) since when did Ren like hot sauce on his pancakes, and 3) Since when did Nora willingly give up her pancakes for anything?"

They looked at me, and I just sipped my coffee. I am not getting into this. Then Nora answered.

"Uh, it's National Hug a Farmer Day, Ren's always liked hot sauce on pancakes, and..." she sat there thinking. "Im on a diet?" Ruby shook her head.

"No wonder Juane takes a break every week from you guys." As she turned to walk away, she looked at Ren. "Hot sauce is in the second cupboard above the sink." She stopped, turned around, and crossed her arms. "Well?" She faced Ren. "I want to see if you are lying. And if you are..." she took out Cresent Rose. Rens eyes widened. He ran over, got the hot sauce, put it on the pancakes and took a big bite. Almost immediately, he started to choke. He looked up at Ruby, gave thumbs up with a fake smile. Ruby bought it and walked off. Just as she was out of sight, he immediately made a run for the trash and spat it out.

"My pancakes..." Nora whimpered. Yang looked at all of us.

"Does everyone agree to NOT tell Ruby nor Oscar what happened?" We all nodded. As if on que, Oscar woke up and asked,

"Don't tell me what?"

"Nothing." Ren quickly replied. To our luck, Oscar did not push the issue. He groaned and asked something that made all of our stomachs flip.

"Is the pancakes ready? I'm starving." Before anyone could answer, my scroll buzzed with a message from Ironwood.

"Looks like we're skipping breakfast kid. Ironwood just texted me to have everyone meet him down in the training room by 9:30 sharp." I looked at the time, and it was 8:46. I turned to Oscar. "Why don't you go and get cleaned up kid, and meat us there when your done." He nodded his head slowly, stood up and walked away. I shook my head. This is going to be a long day. I thought.

If I could have some prayers come my way for a family that I witnessed having a seizure tonight, I know the family would love that. Stay safe everyone and have a good night!

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