Chapter 8

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AN: OMG you guys are so amazing! Please comment your thoughts, questions or just plain review! With out further a due, here is Chapter 8! This chapter is my opinion on how Winter turned her back against her father, so this is a flash back chapter. This chapter is going to be shorter than previous chapters, though. (Warning! This chapter includes 'colorful' language!)



Weiss POV

"RUBY!" I hollered once more. That nitwit left me in this maze of halls again!  I turned left, only to find another dead end. UHG! I thew my hand up in the air, turned around and sat against the wall, burring my head into my hands. Putting my chin into the palm of my hand, I sighed. I'll be right back, she said. Go find Ironwood, she told me. It has been 3 HOURS and I am still lost in this academy. This is ridiculous. Utterly and completely RIDICULOUS! I stood back up ans continued my search for Ironwood. All these hall look the same. I thought. I should know my way around here. But as I thought about it, father never allowed me nor Winter, hell not even Whittly out of the house, except to go tho the garden or to go to his dust mines to tell us the importance of the legecy of the Schnee Dust Company. He never allowed us to go to school, make friends or have any kind of connections of the outside world, We never questioned him, because everybody knew to never question father. And no one ever did question or confronted him... Until Ironwood showed up.



Winter and I were playing Monopoly: SDC Version. It was a game our father made us, where you try to buy as many dust mines as possible, while trying to be the richest player at the end of the game.

"Ha! I got you now lil' sis!" Winter told me before rolling the dice. To be honest, we did not know how to play the game properly, with Winter being 10 and me being only 7 at the time. So we played the game our way. As Winter roller her dice, we heard father yelling at someone. But father always yells, so we ignored it.

"Whoo! Yes! Another double six!"

"What? No fair! You cheated!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not-"

"JAMES! THIS IS RIDICULOUS! UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS!" This caught our attention. Winter looked at me and I looked at her. A smirk crawled upon her face, as she began to stand up.

"Winter, what are you doing?"

"Come on!"

"What!? Are you NUTS!?"

"Maybe, maybe not.~"

"What if-!"

"What father does not know won't kill him! Now come on! Or are you too much of a chicken?" She then proceeded to do chicken sounds. I hated when she did that.

"Ok, ok, ok. I'll come." But what we did not realize was that this is how our family fell apart.

End of Flashback


I shook my head vigorously. It's done and over with. I told myself. But that did nothing to stop the memory to continue to play in my mind.


Flashback continued.

Winter and I snuck down the hallway to father's  office. We heard an unfamiliar voice talking. At the time, we did not know that the General of Atlas was in talking to our father.

"Mr. Schnee, please. All I am asking is to shut down the 3 dust mines in the most western part of Atlas, the one in Mantle on the north end, and to give your workers less work hours than they already are. I think that is very fa-"

"No, you are asking me to shud down my most profitable mines ant to make less money everyday by cutting down hours of labor! Your are being unreasonable!"

"No Jauque. You are the one that is being unreasonable here. Hundreds of people die in those mines every hour because you black mailed them into working for you. You don't even give them the required equipment to do the job safely and properly!"

"And where are you getting these foolish accusations from? You have no proof of anything you have proclaimed!"

"I went to several different mines across Atlas, and due to them all being hundred of miles away from each other, they have all told me the same thing!" Winter looked at me with wide eyes. The man continued. "Not only that, but the workers are being under paid emencly! The Labor Law states that kids who are working under the age of 12 to be paid 6 lien an hour, kids between the ages of 12-18 be paid 14 lien an hour and adults to be paid 20 lien an hour." He paused and sighed. "You, Jauque Schnee, are paying kids who are working under the age of 12 to be paid 1 lien an hour, kids between the ages of 12-18 be paid 5 lien an hour and adults to be paid 12 lien an hour!" We heard a scoff that belonged to father.

"So? They agreed to these terms and all of them-" We heard a loud bang, like a fist slamming down on a table.

"You listen here damn well, Jauque. You have fucking killed thousands of people, including kids, all for your stupid ass company! You low life scum fucking black mailed millions of innocent people into working for you by threatening to kill their families!"

"Oh you have no proof of this, James."


"Here is your proof you bastard! Each family has a copy of the agreement they have signed! Several families have given their copy and you know what I found in fine print?! 'If I ever quit working for the SDC, I fully understand that me and my family will be severely punished and quite possibly face death. If I ever tell the authorities of this, I understand that the same circumstance applies.'" Silence. I turned to see Winter horrified and crying.

"No..." She looked at me, and I knew it was time to go.

End of Flashback


When Winter confronted father about it, he denied everything of the sorts. That pissed her off and upset her so much, she practically begged Ironwood to take her with him back to the Academy because she did not want to live a lie no more. Fortunately, father did do everything that Ironwood told him to do to so that the media would not be on his case about it. When mother heard the news about what father did, that was when she started to drink.

"Ms. Schnee?" A voice startled me out of my thoughts. I looked behind me to see Ironwood standing there.

"Oh, thank OHM I found you! I have been looking for -" I was cut off with Ironwood's hand raised.

"We have a situation concerning your sister."

"But Ruby and Qrow- wait. What did you say?" He took a deep breath and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Ms. Schnee, your sister is missing"

As you can tell, I am not fond of Jauque Schnee at all. I was so glad when he went to jail, I practically had a mini party. I am very sorry if this chapter bothers you in anyway, but please keep in mind that this is a story. If you don't like it, please let me know so I can change it and not do something like this in the future chapters. Again, If this bothers you, please speak up. I do not want to offend any of my readers. If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please leave a comment down below!

PS: I guess I should warn you that for now on, the chapters are going to get a little bit more intense...

Thanks for reading!


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