Chapter 9

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AN: This is going to be the last chapter I am going to up date for a while, so please bear with me. Tell me in the comments if you like the longer or the shorter chapters better! Keep safe durring this Covid 19 and I hope you guys like tonight's chapter! Enjoy!


Ruby's POV

"Ruby, he killed you mom." The room went silent. I looked over to Qrow and saw the hurt and pain in his eyes. No, that's not... I turned back to Oscar and saw nothing but rage and hatred in his eyes.

"Oscar, what makes you think that? You weren't there-"

"Neither were you! But Qrow told me, no Ozpin, himself. He came to him after he killed her and asked for forgiveness. And for some reason, I- Ozpin forgave him!" He turned his gaze back at Qrow. "But I won't. I won't forgive him nor his crime! And I won't allow you to go near him or be with him in the same town without me with you!" As he turned his attention towards me, his eyes softened. "Because... I- I love you Ruby Rose, I always have!" I looked at him in shock. H-he loves me? Holding his gaze on me, he smiles before reaching out to hold my hand.

"That is why I made it my mission to protect you." He looks at Qrow and pulls me in closer to his side. I feel myself blushing madly as I feel his arms wrap around my waist, showing no signs of letting go any time soon. "And away from anything that might take my rose away from me."

I look over to Blake who was just awkwardly standing there. Qrow looked like he was going to protest, but stopped when Oscar held me closer. I look down at Oscar, who was dead staring Qrow down.

"Why-" I started to ask. "Why do you feel like you need to protect me from him?" Oscar looked up at me in surprise, then in worry.

"So he hasn't told you yet..." He shook his head. "But that's what is to be expected from a murderer." He looks back at Qrow with disgust. "Well Qrow, tell her. Tell her how you killed her mom and didn't bother to help her out!"

"I-" Qrow looked at me, then to Oscar, then back at me and sighed. "It was an accident. I didn't mean to kill Summer." Tears started to roll down his cheek. "Ruby, I swear! It was an accident! I never meant to-"

"Oh, right. Use the 'I did not mean to' card, why don't you?! Well guess what? I never meant to become the next Ozpin. I never meant to be burdened with this huge ass 'you're our only hope' weight on my shoulders! And I can assure you I never meant to be po-" He stopped himself and continued. "-to be sick, but guess what? Here I am! Every waking moment of my life combining souls with Ozpin, here stuck in bed sick to my stomach, and I never meant any of those things to happen! So sure, you may not have meant to kill her, but that does not change the fact that you did!" Qrow, Blake, Yang and I were shocked by what Oscar just said. But he was not done yet.

"And guess what? I bet Yang never meant to get her arm cut off, but WHOOPS! There it goes!" Oscar imitated his arm being chopped off. I feel Yang stiffen next to me. "As for Blake, she did not mean to be a faunest or be a part of one of the most wanted groups, the White Fang, but that does not change the fact that she was one!" I heard soft sobbing and turned around to see Blake crying. We all knew how sensitive Blake was with her past and being part faunest, and what Oscar just said pushed the line too far. He has absolutely no good reason to be like this, sick or not!

"Oscar! That was really uncalled for!" I scolded him, but he ignores me and glances back at Qrow.

"So tell her Qrow! Tell Ruby how you killed her mother!"

"Oscar," I tried again, but again, he ignored me, putting all of his attention towards Qrow.


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