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So,, I've been seeing about 40+ reads on these chapters but not a lot of comments on them.

What do y'all think of the story so far? Is there anything I should change?


Yoongi didn't speak to Jungkook the many, many times he would try to get the prince to talk to him.

But would you talk to your kidnapper?

Yoongi doesn't know how long he's been stuck in the chair, but he's guessing it's been more than a day or two so far.

Every day he would try to get out of the ropes holding him down on the chair. His bottom hurt from sitting on the chair for so long, he was hungry (since he didn't accept any food Jungkook would bring him), he was sleepy and had dark circles around his eyes and he was tired of seeing the vampires stupid beautiful face in front of him for hours every day.

This day was no different. The vampire sat across from him with a plate in his hand as he kept trying to feed Yoongi but he wouldn't move a inch. All he did was glare at the man in front of him.

"I don't know if you're trying to look scary, but if you are, you look like a angry cat." Jungkook put the plate aside and he didn't get a response from Yoongi, of course. He wasn't really expecting him to either.

"So.. I'm gonna guess you've been wondering why I took you?" Jungkook asked and Yoongi just blinked. He took that as a yes.

"I've taken interest in you. And, I've been watching you for a few years and even though we haven't had a proper conversation yet, I know a lot about you. What you like, what you dislike, your pet, family, friends, habits, your style in clothing and more."

Yoongi looked at him like he was crazy (which he is) and tried to back away farther from him in the chair, which didn't work since he wasn't exactly capable of moving his legs or feet at the moment.

"Anyways.. what I want to tell you is.." He looked straigt into Yoongi's eyes, a confident smile suddenly popping up. "I want you to be my new companion. My king/queen." Jungkook said calmly with a smile, but Yoongi wasn't having any of that shit.

Yoongi spat in his face.

Jungkook wiped the spit off his face and instead of looking disgusted or mad, he was calm. Yoongi didn't like that. I mean—he just spat in his face for fucks sake.

"Fuck no." Yoongi said, voice was raspy from not drinking anything and talking for so long. Jungkook seemed to not care about what he said and smiled. "You talked to me."

Yoongi glared at him but he kept smiling. Then, he stands up abruptly, making Yoongi jump slightly where he's sitting, though he didn't move much since he was tied down. "I almost forgot!" He left the room, technically running somewhere Yoongi didn't care about. He was too tired to care, honestly.

Speaking of him being tired, he began to doze off, until he saw someone walk into the room and he forced himself to stay awake.

The man who walked into the room was tall, wearing all black clothes and a hat similar to a witches one, a bag and a book in his hand that Yoongi really didn't care about.

"Min Yoongi? Wow, you look like you haven't slept in days." The tall guy says as he walks over to Yoongi. that's 'because I haven't, dumb ass.' He thought to himself and glared at the man when he sat down where Jungkook had been previously sitting.

"I'll introduce myself, I'm Kim Namjoon but you can just call me Namjoon." He said with a smile that made two dimples appear and extended his hand out for a handshake. When he realized the human was tied up he blushed in embarrassment and retract his hand, mumbling a 'sorry'.

"Anyways.. I guess you know that Jungkook is the one who called me here. He called me here to do a few changes to you." He said calmly and Yoongi's eyes went wide, suddenly feeling more awake then he had before.

"You're going to change me? The fuck do you mean by that?! I swear to whatever fucking god is out there if my dick is being changed to a vagina-" "No! Nothing like that!" Namjoon exclaimed, cheeks tinted a light pink at from the smaller's absurd assumption.

"I'm not going to do anything to your physical appearance. Trust me- Or don't. You probably don't trust me at all. But, I'm going to need you to drink this," He opens his bag and reaches inside, pulling out a bottle with some type of red liquid inside. Yoongi eyed the bottle suspiciously then looked at Namjoon. "I know what you're thinking—no, this is not poison. So, you're going to have to let me pour it in your mouth for you to drink it."

Yoongi didn't know why he opened his mouth. Nor did he know why he let Namjoon pour it in his mouth. It tasted like a strawberry which he was actually surprised about. He was also surprised that he didn't feel anything after he drank it.

Then, Namjoon stands up and walks behind the chair. Yoongi didn't care about what he was doing because he was focusing on the door, in case Jungkook came back.

A few seconds later the ropes that were keeping him in place had loosened from being tight against his skin to falling on the floor. Yoongi's first instinct was to get up and run, which he tried to do but as soon as he stood up his leg's had given up on him, falling flat on the floor.

Yoongi struggled to get himself back up and luckily Namjoon was there so he helped him off the floor, sitting him back down on the chair.

"There's literally no point in trying to run. You haven't used your legs in a few days. You have about as much chance of running away right now as I do of letting my boyfriend teach me to dance, which is very low." Namjoon stated and Yoongi glared at him. Then, a sudden wave of sleepiness hit Yoongi and his eyes started to close even though he tried to keep them open.

The last thing he saw before he slept was Jungkook standing over him with that same smile he always has.


Seokjin was lost.

He told the king and queen about their sons disappearance and they fired him. After all the years he's been there— they fired him. It was technically where he had grown up.

Now, he was walking through the woods while snow covered the area around him. He didn't have anywhere else to go since he didn't know where his parents were, hell, he didn't even remember what they sound or look like.

He'd tried looking everywhere for Yoongi, but he couldn't find him anywhere. Hoseok, his friend, had offered he stayed with him and his boyfriend's for the time being but he didn't want to watch his friend being all lovey dovey with some guys he didn't know, nor cared to know. As long as they don't hurt Hoseok he's fine with them.

He's been walking through the woods for a few hours, then he sees some type of tree house in the distance.

Hd let's his curiosity get the best of him and he goes to it. It was bigger when he was in front of it. A lot bigger. 'Is someone living in this?' he asks himself as he climbs the ladder.

When the latter comes to an end he's met with a door. He turned the nob and luckily it was unlocked so he walked right inside.

He didn't expect the first thing he saw when he walked in, was a short blonde guy throwing his shoe at him.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

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