[Chapter 1: Frustration]

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"What happened?"
"We...Beth and I went to look for Hannah... The others did some kind of stupid joke on her and she took off sobbing."

"Did you find Hannah, (Y/n)?"
"Yes. She was freezing, so Beth gave Hannah her coat and I wrapped my scarf around her neck instead of mine."

"Then what happened?"
"Something was following us, so we started to run. We got cornered on the edge of a cliff, and then the two of them fell - Beth clinging to a random branch and holding Hannah."
"I see. So did you fall and manage to climb up as well?"

"No, I didn't fall. Then...Then Hannah fell - pulling Beth down with her. I tried to help them - really, I did - but...but..."

"We can stop if you like."

"I'm fine."
"Sometimes, when traumatic events such as this take place, rest is required—"
"I SAID I'm fine!"

With a loud gasp you sat up; breathing heavily as you remembered the police interrogation and the constant nightmare you just couldn't escape from. Your two best friends - Hannah and Beth - were still gone. The grief that consistently plagued your mind pulled at your heartstrings while you attempted to collect your thoughts and compose yourself. A dream. Just a bad dream. That dreadful interview was a year ago. When...When that happened. Something so awful that you couldn't forgive your previous friends for it. Something so awful that your sleeping pills were worthless. And something so awful that you still couldn't move on - even after a whole year.

...And that something? Was nothing more than "Just a prank!"

An hour or two passed before you had the emotional courage to prepare yourself for your everyday therapy session; getting dressed, skipping breakfast and grabbing your bag as you left your house. Hurrying through the streets of your hometown, you finally reached the building - your uneasiness and usual anxiety swelling up inside your body while you tried to muster up the guts to enter, not wanting to delve back into the horror of your devastating memories and dark depression. After a few minutes you were able to grasp the handle and open the front door, reaching the main desk and speaking to the person behind it for a moment - saying your name.

"Come in." Your therapist - Dr. Hill - called after you knocked on his office door.

You let yourself in and carefully shut the door behind yourself; dumping your bag besides you as you silently took a seat. "Ah, (Y/n)! How are we feeling today?" He asked in a nice tone, trying to lighten the room's atmosphere.

"Does it matter?" You sighed, "The same as I was last week, if it matters that much to you."

"How has your day been so far? Have a good breakfast?" Dr. Hill tried another approach, but you knew what he was trying to do - considering he'd done this plenty of times.

"My day's been shit." You answered bluntly, "And I skipped out on breakfast. Wasn't hungry. Didn't feel like it."

"I see." He began taking notes, twirling his pen between his fingers as he attempted to delve into your mind and discover what exactly was going on. "Now (Y/n), I must know; are you still having those nightma—?"

"Can't we just move this along?" You sharply cut him off, "I'm growing rather tired of the same questions over and over again."

"Fair enough." Dr. Hill dipped his head as a nod and complied, instead pulling out a collection of pictures before placing them on his desk with the utmost of care.

Insanity - Josh Washington x Reader [Until Dawn Fanfiction]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن