[Chapter 8: Experiment]

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"I think we should do what it says. We should look in the library..." Ashley swallowed nervously, hugging Chris's side as she tried to 'supposedly' calm down.

"Okay. Spill it." You sternly spoke, crossing your arms and glaring at them with the utmost of hatred. "What the hell did you two do to Josh? Did you seriously bring up last year? Are you both that cruel? Jesus Christ, what is it with you guys!?"

"(Y/n), I promise, I would never—"

"I mean for fuck's sake, Ashley!" You snapped at her sharply, shaking your head. "This is why I didn't want to come back here! Because you guys are nothing but a bunch of bullies!" After saying that, you stormed towards the stairs - spinning your head around to face them one last time.

"Do you really think we'd do something like that to—"

"The only reason I came back to Blackwood Mountain was for Josh, and that was it." You interrupted Chris coldly, "So why don't you guys just admit your feelings towards each other already instead and go fuck yourselves - literally!"

Copying Josh's movements from a few moments ago, you left them behind and headed into the Guest Room; deciding to cool off by taking a nap. After all, it had gotten pretty late, and you'd dealt with a lot of bullshit today. From returning to the lodge again, to accepting the whole anniversary thing. Not to mention the fighting earlier along with the mortifying memories of Hannah and Beth. So far, this hadn't been very fun. And you were extremely worried about Josh too...should you go looking for him? Chris did say maybe he should have some time to cool off, but still...that must've really stung.

Biting your lip, you shut the door and climbed atop the bed - not bothering to change clothes or snuggle under the covers. In your eyes there wasn't much point. You weren't particularly cold and you didn't trust the others either. Feeling your fury slowly - but surely - die down, you released a soft sigh and floated into the world of dreams; your exhaustion fading while you caught up on some much-needed rest and relaxation. Well, you tried to at least. An hour later Chris bursted into your room and called your name in alarm, shaking you awake and startling you immediately. What in the-? Was this another prank...?

Oh hell no. You weren't dealing with this kind of crap. "What is it now?" You tiredly mumbled, rubbing your eyes. "I'm not in the mood for another shitty prank. Is this revenge for before? Because believe me, I'm not going to apologise. You and Ash can go fu—"

"This isn't a prank!" Chris yelled at you, "This is not good...not good at all..."

"What isn't good...?" You asked sleepily, sitting up and moving your legs to the side of the bed. "Did Ashley turn you down or something?"

"This isn't about me!!" Chris shrieked wildly, "Ashley got kidnapped. I can't find her. I've searched the entire lodge."

"Kidnapped?" You repeated with surprise, your eyes widening while your distrust faded into the shadows. "Do you know who by...?"

"By some Psycho!" He clutched the side of his head and held it for a second or two, almost like it hurt. "He knocked us both out and when I woke up on the ground, Ashley was nowhere to be seen."

"We just need to come up with a plan." You tried to remain calm, wanting to reassure him and keep his worry to a minimum. "And fast. We'll find her though. This 'Psycho' couldn't have taken her that far."

"Yeah...Yeah." Chris unhappily sighed, staying close to you as you both left your room.

"Ash...? ASH?!?" He called out anxiously, the two of you walking downstairs before exiting the lodge.

Insanity - Josh Washington x Reader [Until Dawn Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now