[Chapter 13: Monster]

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"Seriously, (Y/n)?" Mike shook his head at you and you bit your lip, now feeling awkward.

"What?" You replied defensively.

"Did you really think I was gonna shoot him?" He raised his eyebrows as your embarrassment rose, not expecting him to be pretending.

"I-I don't know..." You lowered your gaze, "I'm just really stressed-out, tired, and all I want is for all of this to be over."

"Mike, next time just give us the heads up, alright?" Chris joined in with a serious look and Mike gave him a curt nod in return, the two males falling silent for a second.

"Oh, you poor little piggies, can't even get their good cop bad cop routine to work. Leave it to the pros, bros." Josh called over to them both - wanting to piss them off by this point.

"Josh, please don't make this situation even worse than it already is." You bent down so you were Josh's level and tried to calm down his crazy side; seeing how far gone he was. "All they're going to do is watch you until dawn and then the police are going to look after you."

"Why don't you head back to the lodge and make sure everyone's alright, (Y/n), Chris." Mike planned aloud, "I'll stay here with this lunatic until morning."

"Oooh! Sleepover! C...Can we order pizza?" Josh messed around mischievously, laughing a little and acting completely out of character.

"You sure you're okay...?" Chris double-checked with Mike and he nodded, the situation calming right down.

"They'll want to know everything's fine back there." Mike pointed out.

"You're right. See you in the morning." Chris headed towards the door and motioned for you to follow him, but you shook your head.

"I'll stay too." You decided, "No point in both of us going back and checking on them. Besides, I think Josh needs...someone to talk to."

"Someone to...talk to?" Mike curiously repeated, frowning at you while he picked the gun back up.

"Do you honestly think leaving you and him alone together is a good idea?" Your voice slipped into a bit of a sarcastic one - crossing your arms and leaning against the shed wall.

"Hey, it's not my fault. He killed Jessica for fucks sake!" Mike defended himself fiercely. "I'm just making sure he doesn't hurt anybody else, (Y/n)."

"Do you have proof?" You challenged him with fake confidence, "Did you see Josh kill Jessica with your own eyes? Because something tells me you didn't."

"He ripped her through the cabin door's window and dragged her through the snow until she fell down with an elevator shaft!" Mike accused angrily, watching Chris leave and deciding to argue with you.

"Hold on, how could Josh have chased me down, then forced Chris and Ashley to play that horrifying gun game at the same time and also abduct Jessica?" You thought aloud with a frown of your own, shooting Josh a quick look before trying to prove Mike wrong.

"Exactly, exactly!" Josh chimed in a bubbly voice, "She's right, she's right! God, this is why I love her. She's always so truthful. Not like you bullies!"

"Well if that's the case, what killed Jessica!?" Mike demanded to know, lowering the gun and instead staring at you with slight dislike.

"How exactly am I supposed to know!?" You coldly snapped, "I was being chased and ended up getting drugged all whilst having a fucking panic attack!"

Insanity - Josh Washington x Reader [Until Dawn Fanfiction]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें