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 You wake up... in a bed? What..? You last remember passing out after texting Wilbur that Amy beat you up and that he owes you now. You look around the room to see a desk with recording equipment, a closet, a shelf above you and a door. Questions flood your head- why is this oddly familiar? Who's house is this? Who would take me here? The room faintly smelled of lavender and the lighting had a warmth to it. On the shelf above you, you spotted your glasses. Everything in the room was fuzzy shapes without them, but you could identify what they were. You put on the glasses and began to sit up. You try to get out of bed, but there's an aching pain all throughout your body. You slightly pull up your shirt to see bandages wrapped around your stomach. You get up anyway, ignoring the searing pain, and head towards the door. As you reach the door, you turn to look at the clock- 7 am. You open the door and look around the room. You think it's the living room in the apartment and limp closer to another door. You can hear snoring from the sofa so you stay away from it. You hear a clatter on the wooden floor from the sofa, the snoring stops and you turn to look at the sofa slowly with your arm wrapped around your waist and the other on the wall. A tall man picks up the remote on the floor and goes to get up. You freeze and stay still as he walks across the room to the light switch. He turns the light on and you can immediately tell who helped you, who's house this is. It's Wilbur's. That mustard yellow jumper, a beanie on the table and a tall boy with adorable fluffy hair. He turns to face you with shock as he wasn't expecting you.
  "Oh my god! Don't sneak up on me like that..." he exclaims, putting a hand on his chest.
 "Wilbur, why am I here?" You say, concern filling your eyes.
 "Oh I know who you are, you're toxicato, I found your phone by you.." He says holding up your phone
  "Why would you help me?" You question, squinting.
  "Because, Y/n, you are a human person too- I help most people that are hurt, you were one of them. It so happened that you were toxicato.." Wilbur answered.
 You were stunned, how the hell does he know my name?
 "How do you know what my name is..?" You ask, taking your hand off the wall.
 "It's on your phone," Wilbur says scratching the back of his neck. You shrug and accept it. You decide to walk over to the kitchen and begin to fill up the kettle.
 "You want some tea?" You ask, your mum taught you when you were little and you have declared yourself 'the queen of tea'.
 "Sure, two sugars and milk please." Wilbur smiles as he sits on the sofa. You search through the cabinets and find 2 mugs. You make your signature best cuppas and sit on the sofa next to Wilbur, quietly hissing in pain as you sit.
  "Woah Woah, be careful..." Wilbur says putting his hand on your shoulder, concern filling his eyes.
  "Wilbur... I have a question..." You say nervously, putting your tea on the table.
 "Sure, ask away!" Wilbur says happily.
   "Can I stay with you for a while..?"

London streets (Wilbur soot x reader)Where stories live. Discover now