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 You open discord and enter a voice chat, you checked your mic was working first- the essential for a spook! You enter a voice chat quietly and alone as you get dragged into a private call with Wilbur and Schlatt.
"WiLbUr!" Schlatt boomed down his high-quality microphone with multiple sound effects added.
"Schlatt my ears are bleeding..." He laughs
"Hey, Wilbur- who's this?" Schlatt asks, gesturing to my username- "Toxicato".
" G r e e t i n g s , S c h l a t t " You say, with many voice effects added to the microphone- it took Schlatt by surprise and he laughs.
"Sorry 'bout that, I'm Y/n- formerly known as Toxic" You professionally say, a grin forming, "A pleasure to meet you!"
"Aah, a woman with manners! You have a good taste in girls, Wilbur!" Schlatt jokes.
"What? No no no! She's a good friend of mine, nothing like that!" Wilbur frantically says while you go cherry-blossom pink.
"Let's get playing some Minecraft!" Wilbur laughs, changing topics.

You play for a good 3 hours and you begin to feel sorry for their editors and how much work this will take to edit.

"So, y/n, do you have a boyfriend?" Schlatt asks- what is he up to now?
"No, I don't, nobody really likes me." You laugh sadly.
"That's wrong! You're an amazing friend, I don't think i could've been luckier to-" He stops as the swarm of 100 pigmen begin to crowd him- this is the "100 angry pigmen" challenge after all.
"Wilbur do you need help?" You laugh, spotting him in the distance running from too many pigmen to handle.
"Yes please-!" He says panicked. You can hear Schlatt laughing in the background.
You run over, your Minecraft character hobbling where you want it to, and slay the profusely large amount of pigmen with ease.
"Thanks..." Wilbur exhales.

After a long time of streaming, you and Wilbur decide its way too late and that you both need dinner.
"Pizza?" Wilbur asks. You look at him, your eyes almost glowing with hope. "I'll take that as a yes..." He ordered it online but there was a major issue.
"I have to pick it up and I can't leave you here alone... So you're coming with me!" he says with a nod.
"But what about Amy and her squad?" You ask, concerned about your wounds.
"I'll protect you." He states.
"Promise?" You assure that he's serious. He smiles,
"I promise."

London streets (Wilbur soot x reader)Where stories live. Discover now