Chapter Four

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Truth or Dare game I got  from a deviantart story. ^^

You  blinked. "Yeah. Which one?" You asked. "2014!" Sasha grinned. "Okay." You  set up the  wii and put the game in. "Who's going  first?" You  asked. "I'll go with you." Jean winked. "Ughhh, okay. How  about  'Turn up the  love'?" You suggested. "Okay, sure." Jean shrugged. Yu both selected  the gut. "The guy?!?!" All the  boys asked, shocked. "What did you  expect?" You asked with a smirk. "____! Sing  for more  coins!" Connie cheered. "I don't  sing. I suck at it." You  replied,  still  doing the  movements on the wii. "Please ___?" Krista asked. You sighed. "Fine. ." You  took a  deep breath.
"We are one tonight  and  we're  breathing  in the same air~ So turn up the love, turn up the love, we're  turning  up the lo-o-ove~ We are  one tonight and  we're  breathing  in the  same air~ So turn up the love, we're  turning up the love~" You  sang. Surprisingly,  even for yourself, you  sounded  good. Well you thought so anyway. Jean stopped  dancing and  stared at  you. I did awful. . You thought until. . "____! You were amazing!" Sasha  yelled, stuffing  her face with potato chips. Everyone  else  agreed, even Annie. "I-- No. . "

"___, you sing beautifully. . " Jean replied. You  blushed a tiny bit but you nodded, hiding it. "Thanks."

"Jean, sing with ___! You  both are amazing." Marco smiled.

"Fine, fine." You logged off of "Just Dance" and set up the  karaoke  and you  hooked up  the laptop to the T.V. before going to  YouTube  and choosing a song.

"Picture  perfect  memories  scattered all around the  floor. Reaching  for the phone  'cause I can't  fight  it anymore. And I  wonder if I  ever cross your  mind? For me it happens  all the time." You sang. Then Jean came in with you. "It's a  quarter  after  one, I'm  all alone  and I need you now. Said I wouldn't  call but I lost all control and I need you now, and I don't  know how  I can do without. I just need you now." Jean's solo came in now. "Another  shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the  door. Wishing  you'd come sweeping  in the way you did before. And I wonder if I ever  cross your mind, for me it happens  all the time." Dang, he was amazing at singing. The music faded and everyone applauded, there were even people  letting  out howls and whistling. Eren jerked you away from  Jean. You were startled. "Back off Horseface!!!" Eren yelled. "Eren." You reached out  toward  him. But he slapped your  hand away. Oh heck no! You  grabbed  onto  Eren's arm and  flipped him. "How--?!" Jean stared at Eren on the floor. "Karate classes." You replied, shrugging. "Sorry Eren." You helped  him up, Eren  looked in shock. "Are we. . Still friends?" You asked. "Yeah, of course." Eren  nodded "I must say, I'm  surprised." He grinned. "Hehe, yeah." _____ can sing and do karate? Dream girl right there. . . Eren thought. You  clapped  your  hands together. "Alright, I guess if you want to go, or if you need to, you can." Gladly, no one left. "Okay, how  about Truth or Dare?" You asked, grinning. "Me!" Connie grinned. "I do!" Sasha yelled and jumped up. ". . With beer." You finished. "If you  chicken out, you  take a gulp." Hanji  grinned "____! I'll be  in charge!" Hanji replied. "Okay, this is your type of game  after all." You replied, crossing  your  arms. "Yay! Okay, Armin, go get the beers!" Hanji said excitedly. "Okay. . ." Armin walked into the  kitchen. "If any of you  hurt my Krista. ." Ymir growled. "Ymir, I'll be fine. You'll be  near me anyway." Krista smiled. "Okay, okay. So, let's get  on with the game Hanji." You smirked as Armin returned  with the  beer. "Armin, since you  kindly got the beers, choose someone to get drunk first." You heard the doorbell ring and went to  go answer it.

You opened the door and saw Levi. "Levi!" You squealed and hugged your best friend, which was  hard to believe. "Tch, yeah I'm  here." Luckily, you were 5'2 so you were shorter than him. "You're  just in time for the game!" Note: Levi is not 34 in this.] "What game." He asked, emotionless as you grabbed his hand and  lead him to the living  room. "Truth or Dare with beer."

"Four-eyes' game." Levi replied. You nodded as you heard  Armin picking  Marco, who nodded in understanding and got drunk. "What? What's  going on?" He asked  as Jean tried stepping toward  him. "Buddy--"

"I'm  tired now.  Night." The freckled  boy  fell asleep  instantly on the  carpet. "Oh well. Anyway, Sasha ask someone."

"Connie! Truth  or Dare!"


"I dare you to get drunk!" Sasha grinned.

"Wha-- Fine." Connie started drinking  beers. Soon, he was drunk.

"Connie, ask someone!" Hanji squealed. "Fine. . . Armin. . Get drunnnk" Connie said lazily. "Does that count?" Armin asked. You nodded "I guess." With a sigh, Armin chugged a beer and after a few more the blonde got drunk. "Armin--" Hanji began. "WHAT?!?!" Armin yelled. "Pick someone. ."

The rest of the game went on,  but you made everyone, who ended up  drunk, drink water. At least  they wouldn't  get a hangover.

Jean x Reader: Love-Hate (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now