Chapter Five {Late Halloween special!}

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This was  supposed to  be published  before Halloween, but I  got busy. So, here it is now! Anyway , sorry  I didn't  update  sooner. Here you go  darling!

Sasha: That's your introduction?! Why?!?!
Me: Well, what do you think it should be like, then?
Jean: I think it should have us!
Eren: Shut up Horseface.
Me: Hey! Save it for the fanfiction! It's a late Halloween special.
Connie : Geez, you should have mads it around Halloween.
Me: This came late!!! I got the idea and thought "Hey, why not do a Halloween special?!" But I realized it was late. So it's a late special.
Levi: Just get on with it before they get bored, brat.
Me: Okay, Trick or treat!!!! Enjoy!

You texted Mikasa "Hey, are you  ready?" Which was followed by : "Yes, but idk about  this ___. ." You read the text and frowned, before  replying.
"Yes!!! It's  cosplay~"
"But ___. . ."
"Butts are for sitting and twerking. You are not twerking."
"___. Why do I  have to  be this character  though?"
"Mikasa, do you want to be Asuna or not? You can be  Sachi if you want to."
". . Okay, I'll be  Sachi, I guess."
"Alright, come over  so we can trade."

About thirty minutes later, Mikasa arrived. You put on the costume along with the wig. Mikasa did the same, Eren arrived with her. Eren got into the full costume, he was Kirito.

"Yesss! This is going to be amazing!!" You grinned wide, jumping up a tiny bit. "Okay, let's go!" You squealed. You waited for the rest of the gang. Sasha was a grim reaper [Female version, I guess], Connie as a grim reaper also. Krista was dressed as a Barbie girl, she had a box that had no plastic over the front and the box didn't go over her legs. Ymir dressed up as a biker girl which Krista said it was hot. Jean had a horse mask on (you all laughed your butts off) and Marco had on one of those costumes with half-angel half-devil [I am sooooo sorry if I offended you 

You clapped your hands together. "Okay, who's ready to go trick-or-treating?" You asked. "Um. . ___. .  Don't forget that we're going to my Halloween party it's in an hour. So we have to be there in thirty minutes." Krista reminded you. "Oh!! You're right!!! Let's go!!" You and your friends, -- Oh, and Jean -- walked out of the house. "___, did your parents come home?" Krista asked. "Hmm? Oh, nope. They're on a business trip. I take care of myself when they're away." You replied. "___, you're staying at my house for a sleepover tonight!" Krista smiled. "Well. . . Are you sure?" You asked. She nodded. "Okay, I'll call my parents once the party's over." You smiled.  "Great!" The small blonde said happily, you all went up the driveway to a house. One of you rang the doorbell and Petra came out. "Petra?" You asked. "Hi. So you're trick-or-treating?"
"YES!!!!" Connie yelled.
"Well, say the words~" Petra grinned sweetly.
"TRICK-OR-TREAT!!!!" You all yelled. Most of you anyway. Petra flinched "Okay. . " She just gave all of you equal amounts of the bowl of candy and went straight inside. You felt bad for her but shrugged it off and went to more houses.

Thirty minutes later, Krista told you all that it was time to go. You agreed and Erwin came and drove everyone to Krista's house, then drove off to a friend's house. "Okay. . . We should help set up the food and stuff." You looked at everyone before saying "Sasha, don't eat the food until the party starts." You gave her a warning glare. Everyone nodded and got to work. "Yo, Connie! Fill up that bowl with mild salsa and then another with spicy salsa." You ordered  while writing "Spicy" and "Mild" on two slips of paper and propping it up. "Alright, looking good Marco-- Sasha! Are you eating the food? Good, put it back. Thanks. Pull the chicken from the oven." You nodded. "Marco, please order a few pizzas." You looked over at Jean, seeing him staring into space. You walked over to him and snapped your fingers "Jean! You're supposed to set up the chocolate fountain. Eren, please help him. Also no arguing." You added. "Ymir-- Oh, you're making out with Krista. Okay." You shrugged, she was the host.

After twenty five minutes you were done, surprisingly. "____, how were you able to boss us around so good?" Connie asked. "Yeah, I don't know how." You shrugged "Anyway, guests will be arriving soon." Krista's house is a mansion!!! You thought. The doorbell rang, you saw Annie dressed as Annie from the musical but without a wig. Bertholdt as the Butler and Reiner was in a cat costume. Annie and Reiner were frowning. "We were forced." They all said. "Oh, don't worry." You smiled, "I like it."
"Thanks ___. ." Annie replied and walked inside. You nodded and closed the door.

Hanji came as a scientist, Armin came as a bunny, and even more people showed up. (Too lazy to name them all)

You talked to everyone -- some of them you briefly talked -- but you talked to Krista when she wasn't with Ymir, also Annie, and Mikasa. Soon, it was late and everyone left little by little.

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