Chapter 3

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^^^^ The Apartment (decorated for Christmas)
~Jane's POV~

I still feel bad for ruining Reid's birthday dinner last night. So, I thought that I would make him some breakfast before he wakes up. Plus, we didn't get around to eating anything last night.

I walk to our room with his breakfast on a tray in my hand. Before I can wake him up, he whispers in his sexy morning voice, "Mmm... what's that I smell? Bacon?!" I giggle. He takes a whiff before sharply turning around. "Aha! I was right!"

Reid sits up, takes the plate and says, "Only three pieces and scrambled eggs?? I wanted FOUR pieces!" Sarcastically, he makes a pouting face. Then, he playfully tackles me to the ground after putting the plate on the side table and I scream with laughter. I am very ticklish.

"Okay! Okay!" I say. He gets off of me and we're both laughing. "Just a thank you would have been nice." I joke.

"Yeah, but what's the fun in that? You have to make life interesting and, clearly, I am your guide to that." He smiles and we laugh again.

"Hey, do you wanna decorate the apartment today?" Reid asks and my face lights up.

"Yes! We can put up a tree and decorate it!" I squeal with excitement. "I love Christmas so much! How about you?" Reid kisses my lips.

"Of course! But not as much as I love you."

"Aww," I say with a smile and I envelope my arms around his neck and we sway side to side for a bit. "Ok, do you want us to go tree shopping now?" I ask.

"Sure." Another kiss.


"I love it." I say, admiring the thick but naked Christmas tree in our living room.

"All we need are the decorations." Reid says.

After we pull out all the ornaments that we just bought, we put them all on the tree with some beads and a strand of white lights. Reid and I also decorated the fireplace.

Finally, we sit on the couch. Me, in an oversized light grey sweater and black leggings, Reid in black wind pants and a red sweater. The fireplace is on, it's heat melting the frost off the windows so we can see the light snowfall outside.

"Beautiful, just like you." Reid stares at the tree before turning his head. I hold onto his right arm and lay on him.

"I love you, Reid." I kiss him, then move back to my original position.

"I love you too, Jane." I can hear the tiredness in his voice when he speaks, but it's only 8:10.

We lay on the couch together, just staring at the tree until we fall asleep.


I wake up the next morning feeling warm. I shut the fireplace off last night, but it's still quite warm in here. I don't want to get up; I just want to lay here, in Reid's arms on the couch forever.

"Good morning," He says when he sees my eyes are open.

I smile and ask, "We don't have anything to do today, right?"

"I don't think so, why?"

"I think that we should go and see your parents, then?" I suggest.

"Um... okay, sure. But, why?" Reid asks.

I rub my hands on his chest. "Because they are like my parents; funny and loving. I just think that seeing them will help me with losing my parents." I think I confused myself. "I mean... I don't know. I just need to see them?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you want, Jane." He brushes some of my hair behind my ear.

We get up and pack for the long drive with clothes for tomorrow; since we are spending the night.

The next morning, we get dressed in layers and layers of clothing and get in the blue mustang (that a friend lent us) with our bags.

Finally, after a long morning, we're off to Portland.

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