Chapter 7

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~Reid's POV~

"Hey, Jenny!" Jane runs to the short, blonde-haired girl immediately after we arrive at the party. Jenny turns around, wine glass in hand and gasps.

"Oh my god, Jane! Hi! I haven't seen you in forever! How's the family?" She asks and I realize that Jane never told her anything about the accident.

"Um..." Jane mumbles, then grabs my hand.

Jenny looks confused. "Is there something wrong?"

Jane glares at me and I know right away that she doesn't want to talk about it.

"No," I say, "nothing's wrong. Um... could you excuse us for a sec?"

Jenny nods and smiles, rubbing Jane's shoulder. "I'm here for you. You know that. I'll be over here if you need me." She gestures to a group of girls hanging out by the bar, then joins them. All of those girls are wearing santa-themed dresses.

"Hey," I whisper and brush a bit of Jane's blonde hair out of her face. "Let's go over here and talk." I lead her to a table in the corner, where it's a bit more quiet. She hasn't let go of my hand.

We just stare into each other's eyes, which is somehow comforting. Then Jane breaks the silence.

"I didn't tell her, Reid. I should have. She is one of my best friends and I didn't tell her that I was in a car crash and that my parents died along with Teddy." She pulls her hand away after a few moments in silence and a tear runs down her face, but she wipes it away. Did I do something wrong?

"Why did you choose to take me to the show on that night?" She continues.

"I just couldn't wait to see you in person. I had to." I reply, with some questioning in my mind as to why Jane would ask me that.

"Well, I hate to say it but I almost regret going with you. I should have stayed with my parents. I could have had a bit of a normal life." Am I hearing her correctly?

"Are you blaming me for their deaths? Because if so, you are completely wrong." I try to stay calm when I talk.

"No, no. It's not that." She explains.

"Well, what is it then?" What has gotten into Jane?

"If I didn't go with you that night, then I would have been able to spend that final night with my parents. I wouldn't have to feel regret my entire life. It's all. Your. Fault." Jane is tearing up now, and I try to hold onto her hand but she pulls away. "Bye, Reid."

"Wait, where are you going to stay?" I ask her after she stands up.

"I'll stay with Jenny. And you don't even ask why I'm leaving? You are quick to give me up and ask where I'm staying instead of trying to bring me back? Wow." I am out for words.

I manage to whisper loud enough for Jane to hear, "I still love you."

"Out. Now." What just happened? Maybe Jane just needs some space, so I do what she says and I leave.

I drive home, with the radio turned off and the windows rolled down. I need to clear my head. I let the cold winter breeze flow into the car and brush my hair back.

Were we really over? Did Jane just break up with me or is she going to call me and want me to come back? I can only hope that she calls me because she isn't picking up her phone.

It's been almost an hour of pointlessly driving around town, attempting to forget about what happened. But I can't. I love her too much. I need to see her right now and I need an explanation. I can't eat or sleep without one.

That's it. I slam on the brakes and turn the opposite way. I am going to get an explanation if it kills me.

Just then, my phone rings. I stare at it for a moment, in shock that it's Jane. I slowly pick it up and answer it, then I remember that I am still driving.

I am just about to ask her what's wrong when I crash into the bridge and fly into the water.

Life After the Crash (If I Stay#2) ~ON HOLD~Where stories live. Discover now