Chapter 9

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~Reid's POV~

"Are you sure that you are fine with this?" I ask Jane.


"Are you absolutely positively super duperly-"

"Yes!" She cuts me off before giggling and shining that beautiful smile. "I am fine with staying at Kylie's house! I know that she used to like me, and now that she's broken up with Jess, things might get a bit... awkward between us."

"Exactly. So if you don't want things to get awkward, we can stay at a hotel with a pool, a mini fridge and a nice, comfy bed." I wink when I say 'bed' to make her smile and laugh again.

"That does sound nice... but, ugh! I don't know what to do! I really want to hang out with your band, but I also want to explore every inch of that bed if you know what I mean..." she trails off and plays with my tie that I had to wear for an interview with 'm' magazine.

"Ooohh... getting dirty I see..." I joke and I lean in to kiss her soft lips. They taste like the chicken wrap she just had to eat. "By the way, you taste like chicken. Not even joking." We giggle and then Jane suddenly looks a bit sad.

"What's wrong?" I ask her softly.

"We have to go..." Jane mumbles sexily, but disappointingly. "The show's gonna start in a few hours. It's 2:30 and we're still eating lunch!"

"Aww... but, but," I give puppy eyes as I joke around. "We can't leave! This lunch date is way more important than the band!" She laughs at my sarcasm.

I hear a gasp from behind me.

"Did you get that on tape?!" I turn around to see two paps (paparazzi), one man and one woman. The woman is holding a notepad and pen while the man is holding a very old looking tape recorder.

"You bet your buttered pickles I did, honey!" Oh no.

"Listen, can you please delete that? It's a misunderstanding." I try to convince them to, but I know they won't do crap. They'll just take it to an editor and get it published somewhere and make a shit ton of money.

Jane looks worried. She's just sitting there.

The man replies, "You can never change this. This is what you said and I have it on tape, so suck a dick." My jaw drops.

Just as I'm about to feed him a backhand, Jane stands up and kicks him in the testies, but the woman already ran out with the tape- soon followed by the man.

"Okay," I try to cope with what just happened. "So...I can't tell which is more frightening: that I just got told to suck a dick, or that you just kicked the shit out of one."

We laugh so hard it hurts. "But what about the tape?" Jane asks.

"I'll tell my band what happened and hope that they'll believe me. They probably will, though. Shit like this happens to them all the time. Then I can clear it up with the press if it get's out of hand." I explain.

"I hope this works," she says. "Now, can we leave? Because I am super excited to see Shawn!"

"You're not cheating on me, are you?" I joke once again.

"Oh god, no!" Jane continues to laugh. "He's just so funny. You know, when he actually talks."

"Okay, let's go." I say.


"So he just said suck a dick? What kind of a comeback is that?" Kylie complains once I tell her what happened with the two paps.

"Yeah, I know, right? But after that, Jane went all fucking ninja on this dude and kicked him in the balls!" The whole band laughs; Kylie (drums), Shawn (guitar & backup vocalist), Javier (bass) and Matt (bass/guitar, depending on what we need for a song). Even Jane giggles a little.

"Kay, we're on in five." Matt says. "So I need guitar for the first three songs, but bass the rest, right?" He asks Shawn.

"Yeah, man." He replies and Matt nods. Shawn isn't very talkative when he's not on stage. And the guitar acts like a part of his body- he's a pro at that thing!

Javier is setting up the amps. I take off my hoodie, exposing my Nirvana band Tee and I kiss Jane on the cheek before grabbing my guitar and heading out onstage. "Good luck!" She yells to all of us over the noise of the screaming crowd. Kylie starts playing the intro to the song, then we all get into it. Everyone's just having a good time.

When we're playing our upbeat party song, Up All Night, I see Jane dancing her heart out. This makes me smile and enjoy it even more and I play the strings and sing like I never thought I'd be able to. She made me play better and by the time the concert was over, I was exhausted and so was Jane. We stayed up to kiss each other at midnight, beginning the new year with an extremely good moment.

Then, we passed out on our hotel bed. What a night.

When we wake up at about 11:30am I turn on the news, moving quietly so I don't wake up Jane. I watch the TV for a bit, looking for any headlines about what happened yesterday with the paps or something, and I find it alright.

"Lead Singer of Shooting Star, Reid, says that the band isn't important. Well, not compared to his girlfriend, Jane. Act of love, or defiance? Go to our website and vote now!" A reporter says.

I notice that Jane was awake the whole time and she looks pissed.

How am I going to fix this? Will the reporters believe my story? I hope so.

Hey sorry for the slow update yet again:/ I have exams coming up in about a week and I was just at a hockey tournament but I still updated today! Yay! Lol XD please vote x comment:* follow for a follow back and I love you all! Bye!:D


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