Chapter 4

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Reid's parent's house^^^^
~Jane's POV~

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Thanks for being so patient. I hate English homework!!!

"Jane," Reid's soft voice wakes me up. I realize that I am in a car. "We're at my parents' house." I remember now.

"What time is it?" I ask him when I climb out of the car and stretch my whole body from the long car ride.

"Um..." He looks at his gold watch that I got him a month ago. "It's 3:27."

"Ok, thanks." I grabbed my rollable suitcase and start walking up the long, snow-engulfed driveway with some difficulty. Wheels don't work well with snow.

As I walk toward the red brick mansion, I notice just how beautiful and calm it is. I stop for a moment; to listen to the silence and smell that cold, wintery smell.

Each season has it's own individual smell, in my opinion. I can never find the words to describe them, no matter how hard I try. I just know it when I smell it.

You could definitely smell the Winter in the air. I continued up the driveway and up the mahogany coloured stairs. I knocked on the door three times.

Reid's mom answers, her grey-brown hair tied up in a bun. She steps aside and welcomes Reid and myself in. She offers us hot chocolate while she hugs us- which we accept. Then she heads upstairs with our bags and Reid leads me to the kitchen.

Reid's father is sitting at the kitchen table reading a rock music magazine with Shooting Star on the front, titled "Shooting Star's Brief Vacation From Music?".

Reid and his band decided to take off a few weeks of writing, rehearsing and recording any songs because one of the band members, Kylie, broke her arm and she needs some time to heal so she can play the drums again.

Reid's father puts down the newspaper and smiles at the sight of us.

"Hello, Mr-" I begin.

"Please, call me George." He replies.

"Ok, George, thanks for letting us come over with such short notice."

"Oh no problem, hun. We'll always have open arms." He smiles as he stands up. "How about that hot chocolate?"

"Oh yes please. It's been a long ride!" I sit next to where Reid just sat down at the dinner table.

"Yeah, but you were sleeping the whole time! I was the one driving!" Reid teases. I laugh and Reid's mother returns from upstairs.

"Your bags are up there in the spare room. Reid, I hope you didn't forget where that is." She jokes.

"Ok, thanks mom. Do you want to go upstairs and unpack?" He asks me.

"Sure. May as well, the hot chocolate will take a bit." I reply and follow Reid to the spare room.

It's beautiful. The white carpet and beige walls all lead up to the huge arch at the back of the room, holding a magnificent view of the nearby forest.

"Wow." I sigh in amazement. I run and jump onto the king-sized bed and lay there, staring at the ceiling, paintings, and the few candles around the room.

Reid comes over and lays beside me, until we break out into a tickle fight. It lasts for another five minutes, then Reid stops. We are breathing heavily when Reid pulls some hair behind my ear whispers, "I love you." His voice is so hypnotizing.

"I love you too." We share a deep kiss, then we decide to see if the hot chocolate is ready downstairs. It is.

"So, are you guys going to the parade tonight?" Reid's mom asks us. I have no idea what parade she is talking about, but I am assuming it has something to do with Christmas.

Reid looks at me and gives me a 'why not?' shrug. He says, "It's the Christmas parade that goes through on the main street. You could meet some of my old friends."

"Sure. Sounds like fun." I say and we finish our hot chocolate.

My family used to go to parades. Maybe this will be good for me.

Again, sorry for a long time with no update! I am hoping to post as much as I can:) Thanks for reading! Follow for a follow back, and please vote and comment! I promise the next chapter will be WAY more exiting!!


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