Chapter 8

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A/N: Shoutout to my new friends @bvb_army67luvyou @McKenziePetschl and @desirejohnsonn. Check them out please:) And sorry I haven't updated in a while. Wattpad wasn't saving my work:'( Otherwise I would've updated WAY sooner!!!
~Jane's POV~

"It's all my fault!" I sob into Jenny's shoulder while she rubs my back. We are in the hospital- yet again!

I sit in the empty waiting room with Jenny. She and I were worried after I called Reid and he answered, then heard a scream. So, within an hour, we got a call from the hospital saying that Reid drove over the bridge and fell into the river.

"It's not your fault, Jane!" Jenny whispers into my ear.

I pull away to face her, still gripping onto her shoulders. "How will I face him again? He will probably hate me so much! Wait- could our relationship ever be the same again?! I love him, Jenny! I really do! But, he'll never forgive me. What was I thinking?!"

Jenny shakes me a little. "It is not your fault, ok? He is the one who checked his phone while driving, when he was supposed to pull over."

She had a point. "But I called him!"

"That doesn't matter!" She lowers her hands to hold my own. "You were trying to fix whatever you two were fussing over from the party. What was he doing driving out and about for? Especially for long after the party, and ending up at that bridge?"

"I know, but-" The nurse walks into the waiting room and interrupts me.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but Reid is waking up now. If Jane would come with me, she could see him." She walks out of the room and I follow her after I hug Jenny and tell her to stay put.

"Here he is," she gestures to a small room with a spectacular view; of the dumpsters.

"Jane?" A mumble reaches Reid's lips.

"Shh..." I sit on the bed and brush his hair with my fingers. "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have started that fight. I don't know what I was thinking. I-" Reid kisses my lips.

"No, it's neither my nor your fault." He whispers. "What happened, happened. Let's just move on because we can't change what happened." He looks around, then stands up. "Let's get out of here. I'm sick of all these hospitals!" We both laugh.

"Are you sure you're ok and don't need to sleep here anymore?" I ask.

"Yes. I'm even better now that I have you." He pauses what he's doing and holds my head in his fingers. I smile, an I think I blush a little. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Now let's go." I say. We giggle and walk to the waiting room hand in hand.

"Do you mind driving another person home?" Reid asks Jenny with a wink.

She smiles. "Sure. I'm glad to see you're okay, though."

"Yeah, I would've drowned if the police hadn't came sooner. I'm so grateful right now, and just in time for Christmas!" We all laugh.


So, it's Christmas Eve now, and we're back in NY. The apartment feels so great to be in and welcoming and all I want to do is sleep. We did have a long drive, after all!

The next morning, Reid and I both wake up at nearly the same time. We race to the living room in our Snuggies and give each other three presents we didn't plan the amount, we just coincidentally got each other three presents.

When Reid opens his presents- because he insisted on me going last- he gives me a hug, says thank you and we exchange 'I love you's.

I open my first present, which is wrapped in sparkly blue wallpaper. Inside, it contains a pink Campus Crew sweater.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you!" I squeal and try it on. It fits!

My second present is a new cello bow. I definitely screamed of excitement when I saw it and couldn't wait to play my cello again (it's currently at Juilliard, in Mr. Hallow's music classroom) with this brand new bow.

But, my third present is my absolute favourite; a white winter coat that has a tight waist and goes down to almost my knees. I feel the husky-like fur on the hood and on the inside. It's so soft and I will probably wear it every day I can.

I'm at a loss for words as my jaw hangs open. I take my eyes off this beautiful coat and look at Reid. "Oh my god..." I mumble before I jump onto him and he falls into his lazy boy. "It's so beautiful! Thank you so much!" I giggle.

"Anything for you, my love." We burst into laughter, then we just sit there, cuddling by the fire in a warm blanket. We eventually fall asleep -It's been a hard week- in the comfy recliner.

When we wake up, I check the wall clock and it's 4:50pm.

"Why don't we have a nice chicken dinner with the chicken in the fridge?" I ask Reid. "And maybe some stuffing..." I tell him teasingly. Stuffing is by far his favourite Christmas food.

"Oh my god, yes!" Reid says excitingly.

I laugh at his excitement and gesture for us to go to the kitchen.

The rest of the day, we cook the food and finally sit down at 7:45 to eat. In the middle of silent eating, Reid informs me that his band is fully recovered and ready to play now. Their first gig in about a month is at a huge New Year's Eve party in Portland.

We have to go back to where my family died. Of course.

Life After the Crash (If I Stay#2) ~ON HOLD~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu