Chapter 6 (Fill-in)

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^^^^Jane's Dress For Jenny's Christmas Party
~Jane's POV~

"That's the one." I blush at Reid's practical compliment.

I walk out of the small changing room a bit further, spin, and glare at Reid. "You think so?" I ask him.

"Yes, I think so. I think that you are making the dress look amazing, just by wearing it. Your friend, Jenny will be so impressed." Reid replies.

He kisses my forehead and I look in the mirror one last time before agree to wear it to the Christmas party. "Okay, I'll wear it. But only because I'm trusting you with my appearance, and I don't do this that often, so you better hope that everyone loves it!" I joke.

He throws up his hands, pretending to surrender. "Okay, okay. You don't need to be so fussy, it's just a dress."

I gasp dramatically. "Oh, what did you just say to me? It's just a dress? You know what? I was going to give you a thank you hug, but now I'm not." We laugh and joke around for a bit more before checking out the beautiful red and black dress.

Then, when we returned to Reid's parent's house, I curled my long, blonde hair and put on a Santa hat. Next the dress, red bow earings, a silver bracelet, black flats and a black cardigan to keep me warm.

I snatch my silver clutch when Reid strolls into the room wearing a fancy black suit and a red tie.

"Wow," We both say, then I remember the first day we saw each other and I half smile at the beautiful memory. My parents were there, and although Teddy was at a friend's house, he was still here.

It was the last night of their lives, and it's Reid's fault I didn't spend it with them.

Hey guys, a short chapter, I know. It's kind of a fill-in for the next chapter which I am currently working on. It should be up before the end of the week! Bye, love you guys:)


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