Chapter 10

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~Jane's POV~

So this is kind of a short chapter, but I hope you enjoy!


"Who would do something like that?!" I ask Reid, trying to sound calm, but I am unsuccessful. I sit up from my laying position to get a better view of Reid, who just stood up and is laying against the wall. His shirtless chest is glowing in the dim sunlight of the slightly opened curtain.

It's so quiet in the hotel room and all you can hear is the soft January breeze outside the slightly opened window.

Reid shrugs. "Attention whores I guess?" True. Funny, but true.

"Well, we need to find dumb and dumber and have a little chat with those two." I say. Reid looks up at me.

"Oh, you mean those two paparazzi morons that were at the restaurant with us?" He asks and I nod.

"Okay, yeah. Sure, but how are we gonna find them?" Reid sits on the bed with me.

"Um..." I begin and stare at the paused tv screen. I notice something in the corner of the screen- the "Rock" logo. "The source came from Rock Magazine, which means that those two must work there. All we have to do is go to the Rock building and ask if they work there."

"And if they won't let us speak with them?" Reid questions.

"Then we offer them a picture of us or something! They'll want pictures of us, I'm sure." I explain.

"Okay, but what will we say to them?" I haven't really thought about that.

My attention is now fixated on Reid and his handsome blue eyes. "I guess we'll find out." I mumble. That was what I said to him the night of our orchestra date when he kissed me. I smile as I remember that night; my last night being normal.

"I know what you're thinking," Reid pushes my hair behind my ear (this must be his 'move') and kisses my forehead. "That was the night we first met."

I lay on his chest as he plays with my hair. "I wish we could just have a break from all this. Not your music tours, but our lives, you know?" I smile like I'm about to laugh. "I mean... just pack up our bags and start over."

"And no paparazzi I might add." Now I'm laughing.

"Yes, just to see what it feels like to be... free. You probably don't understand." I look at the ceiling while I'm laying on my back.

There's a long pause before he says something, "I completely understand and agree with you. I think it would be cool to have fake identities and travel the world with you."

I forgot one small detail, "Wait- what about Juilliard? I have to attend now or I won't be able to... ever." I explain apologetically.

"I know, that's why I'm thinking the summer?"

"A summer travelling the world with my love?" I wink.

"And we can go anywhere you want." My mouth drops at his offer.

"Are you sure? Reid... we don't even have fake IDs!"

"Yet." He hints.

Another long pause, but there's no awkward tension. Actually, there's some... different tension. I sit up and grab the collar of his shirt so I can play with his tie. I notice just now how his hair is so messy that it's perfect. His voice is that sexy morning voice that he always has when we wake up. But for some reason, I feel that it sounds way more sexier this morning.

"So I'm thinking Paris...?" I attempt to say in my own sexy voice, but I haven't practiced it or anything so I don't know if it was good or not. I try again, "And we can ride to the top of the Eiffel Tower... and kiss on the top..." I move my hands so they touch his and I kiss his forehead like he did to mine earlier, just in case he didn't catch on to my 'sexy voice', he'll still know what my intentions are.

I can hear his heart racing along with mine. It must be working though. "Anything for you," Reid whispers and moves his hands onto my waste and moves his lips to mine. His lips are so soft and he smells so good that I just want him so bad!

I pull him closer and he lies me on my back, him crawling on top of me. Still kissing, I start to undo his tie.

Reid stops for a second. "Are you sure you want to-" I shush him by nodding and smiling. "And... Jane?"

"Yeah, Reid?" I whisper.

"I love you so much." And suddenly we are in our own little world and we forget all of our problems and worries... at least, for a little while.

Life After the Crash (If I Stay#2) ~ON HOLD~Where stories live. Discover now