The Audition

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"So. We have decided to add a girl to our group." Kim Namjoon says over the video. "We are accepting video auditions from multiple countries. Your video must include you singing, rapping, or both. Your song is your choice, it can be in any language. Email your video to us via our official BTS email address." And the video ends.

"No shit," I say to Michelle, my dog. She responds by nuzzling her head under my arm. My phone rings. Its Tiffany.

"DID YOU SEE BTS'S ANNOUNCEMENT VIDEO?!?!" she screams into the phone the moment I answer.

"Yes. Now calm your tits before I slap you through the phone."

"You HAVE to send a video! This could be your one chance to get out of that shithole you call a home"

I couldn't deny this. My house was a horrible place to live. Well, if you were me. Everyone hated me. Well, everyone except Michelle. She's supported me through everything from breakups to fights with my mom.

"I swear if you don't I will burn a picture of Taehyung," Tiff threatens. She knows me way too well. Taehyung had been my bias since I was 16, back in 2014. Now I'm 23 and still adore him. This is one of the reasons my family hates me: my mental state is too dangerous for me to live alone, so I'm 23 and still live with my mom.

"Fine," I finally give in. "I gotta get off here so I can record though." She hangs up without another word.

I set my phone on my desk, using the wall to prop it up. I grab my MP3 player and search for a song. I decide on Just Give Me A Reason by Pink, just because I'm alone and can allow myself to hit the higher notes. I press the record button and start the music.

I feel the world disappear as my voice rises and falls. I hit the high note in the end beautifully. When it's over, I'm left with the wish that it wasn't, as always.

I decide to send that video in. I send it, then flop on my bed, Michelle jumping up behind me. She curls to my side and falls asleep. I'm not that far after her.

Please Dont Leave Me - BTS FF (Kim Taehyung) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now