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"Soo.." Namjoon starts. "Allow us to introduce ourselves." They then go around the room telling me their name (which I already knew) and one thing about themselves, reminding me of a church camp.

"My name is Namjoon and I am the only one who speaks fluent English." Knew that one.

"What age?" Jin asks.

"23," I answer.

"Ah. I Jin. You yeodongsaeng (little sister), you call me eomma.

"Alright," I say with a small giggle.

"I Yoongi. I like sleep." Knew that.

"I Hoseok. You call me Hobi. I make all dance." Knew that. Still thought it was cool.

"I Jimin. I have small hand. Smaller pinky." He holds up his hand to show me. I always knew he had tiny hands, but seeing then in person was a completely different ordeal.

"I have big hands," I answer. "But my pinkies are strangely short." I hold up my hand. Jimin smiles, no doubt feeling more confident about his pinkies.

"I Jungkook. I youngest." I knew this, but still smile when he gives me his bunny smile.

"I Taehyung. I have dog," he says, handing me his dog. I immediately start gushing and petting his soft fur. "His name Yeontan. I also colorblind and like banana."

"Well, I'm Jesslan, you guys can call me Jess. I love dogs," I emphasize love and look at Tae when I say it, "and I'm glad you chose me. It me out of a tough spot." Not that you could really say it was a tough spot, I'd been in it since I was 10.

Namjoon looks around to make sure everyone understands. No one seems confused, so he turns to me.

"Alright then. So, ready for your tour?"

"I guess." I try to hand Yeontan back to Taehyung, but he resists.

"You have Yeontan. Just for now." He gives me a warm smile, which I return.

"I have a dog back home. Michelle. I miss her already."

"Dogs good. Love everyone."

"They do." With that, I follow Namjoon into the kitchen, my gaze lingering on Taehyung.

Please Dont Leave Me - BTS FF (Kim Taehyung) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now