Waking Up

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I wake to a bright light shining in my eyes. I try to lift my hand to block it out but as soon as my arm bends I feel something in my elbow and immediately straighten it back out, feeling nauseous. A needle. I've always hated needles in my elbows.

When my eyes finally adjust, I look around. I'm in a hospital, there's no doubt about it. But why? Finally, my eyes land on someone asleep in the chair next to my bed. Unshaven, exhausted, sleeping. Tae. In all the time I've been with Bangtan, I'd never seen him like this. All of a sudden, the memories come pouring back.

A nurse walks in. I lift my unimpaled arm to my mouth to signal for her to be quiet. She nods and whispers something in Korean. When she sees I don't know what she's saying, she signals for me to wait. She leaves the room and comes back a minute later with Namjoon, looking not much better than Taehyung. He quietly rushes over and hugs me.

"Where's everyone else?"

"Back at the dorm. I convinced them to go home last night."

"How long..." I can't finish the sentence.

"You've been out for roughly two weeks. I haven't slept much since then, and I know Tae has slept way less than I have. He's been asleep for about a day, which is the most he's slept since.. that day." The nurse says something to him. He nods and turns back to me. "Hiw are you feeling?"

"Hungry. And a little nauseous, the first thing I felt when I woke up was I needle in my elbow. Those have always made me queasy." He translates this to the nurse. She nods and collects her materials to move the IV to my hand. She leaves and comes back a few minutes later with a tray of food.

Quietly, we set me up to eat. The nurse leaves, and it's just me, Namjoon, and sleeping Tae. I eat in silence for a moment, then Namjoon breaks it.

"I couldn't get him to sleep. He said if you were awake for even a minute and he missed it he would never forgive himself. A few times he drifted off to sleep for a few hours, but it wasn't enough to get him going. Yesterday, he told me something was telling him it was safe to sleep. He fought it for as long as he could, but he finally went to sleep. After that, I convinced everyone else to go home."

The nurse comes back in just as I'm finishing my food. She takes my treat, says something to Namjoon, and leaves. He turns to me.

"Lools like you have visitors."

Please Dont Leave Me - BTS FF (Kim Taehyung) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now