Chapter 2

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As the crew follow the girl into town Robin asks "by the way, what is your name miss?"

"Oops, forgot my manners, my name is ________, I am kind of the mayor of our town" she says while rubbing the back of her head and chuckling awkwardly.

"Aren't you a bit young to be the mayor?" Zoro questions

"ha-ha, we don't exactly do those types of things in a traditional manner anyway, Age and maturity don't always match" she explained "we are able to do any 'adult' job after passing some tests"

While explaining the general reasoning and life skills tests, they arrived at the town, its name was Homestead. This is so that if any of the parents of its residents spoke about visiting the town it would mislead anyone of ill will.

Luffy's POV

'why can't is stop looking at her?' he thought, 'there is something about her that makes me want to keep her close'

"this is our main tavern, we make all of our own alcohol at the brewery next door, they have good food that goes well with the liquor they serve" she said unaware of my stare, "If you want to eat at place with less alcohol focus and more of a food focus there is another place on the other side of the street and a few doors down"

As she explained the different places in town, we all went into the first tavern she pointed out. 'her voice is so nice to hear, I wish I could hear it every d.... wait that's it! I'll get her to join my crew!' as I finished the thought, we crossed the threshold of the tavern. The walls are lined entirely in wanted posters. "oi, why are wanted posters your wallpaper? Why aren't any of my nakama up there?" I asked.

She giggled, damn her giggle is cute, "these are all the fathers and mothers of people in Homestead. At this point some of them are the grandparents of some" she smiled, I have to get her to join the crew. I will have to talk to Nami and Robin about it, they can help me figure out why I need her to join. My thoughts and planning were interrupted when she spoke again "Oh, don't ask who anyone's parents are, it is rude to be so direct and we have kind of made it into a game at this point. Even the little kids won't tell you outright, they are really bad at lying though" she giggled again, and I felt like I wanted to hug her.

3rd person pov

"Wait, so what if someone guesses right" Brook asked, "is there a prize?"

"yeah, each person has come up with their own prize" _____ said "the little kids usually give candy or crafts, anyone that is working on a trade usually offers something based on that. No one has been able to figure out one of the brewers for so long he is offering a full barrel of his best sake"

"What about you, _______? Has anyone guessed who your parent is?" Chopper asked innocently.

"Nope" _____ said as she took a swig of the beer that she didn't have to bother ordering. "oi, get our newest guests and game participants a round too!"

Within 3 minutes beer and 3 massive plates chili-cheese fries were out in front of the straw hats. "Why are we being served this type of food, especially to my precious Nami-swan and Robin-chwan" Sanji said with a disapproving tone.

Everyone in the tavern burst into laughter "I guess we should have expected that from someone new to town"

"Especially from Black foot Sanji, he is a chef"

People were laughing through various like-minded comments as a tavern cook came out to the front. She was a short brunette with her hair tied into a clean bun to prevent hair in the food and a commanding presence. Behind her was a timid red headed guy that was about a foot taller that she was. "it seems rude of a chef to speak ill of food he hasn't tasted" the brunette huffed "That goes double for the fact that we sent it out as a pairing"

"We can't change his tastes Mia, just come back to the kitchen and let him be while he eats" the guy said.

"I'm going to stand here and watch him eat..." she crossed her arms and scowled at Sanji "...His words."

The rest of the crew had already started eating on the fries and drinking the beer, including Nami and Robin, they were the first to speak up too, "These fries go perfectly with this beer! It makes us feel relaxed and comfortable" they said almost in unison. The straw hat chef furrowed his brow and gave in to trying the food.

Immediately he apologized to the younger chef, Mia. She is actually the assistant, the timid one is the head chef and the one that taught the haughty Mia all she knows.

After chatting over beer and snacks, and many failed guesses at the "parent game" ______ showed them to the only inn the town had. The town inn usually doesn't get any business because when parents come to visit, they stay with their kids, the only people that stay are usually a few members of the crews that don't want to sleep on the ship. Nami had noticed Luffy's unusual attitude, he looked as deep in thought as he could be. "what's wrong captain?" Nami asked once they were all settled into the inn and _______ had gone home.

"I want ______ to be on our crew"

              "I want ______ to be on our crew"

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So I had already fully written this chapter before I had published the first one. I kind of hope that anyone who reads it enjoys it.

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