Chapter 8

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Over the next few days you needed to plan for the festival. Business as usual was all you could hope for, it isn't what you got. You gained a shadow in the form of your new Captain, Luffy. You also had a feeling in the pit of your stomach, something was coming, it would be there to make everything just a little bit worse.

You aren't sure why Luffy is following you everywhere. He is like a puppy. Ever since he appeared in your window yesterday it is like he is guarding you. Did he think he could spot someone looking for you? Is he under the impression that you are under constant attack? You had to ask. You can't really go into details out in the open though. People in town didnt think it was weird for a visiting Captain to follow you. It was often the best way to get the things they need, follow the Captain of the town. You had to go to the warehouses anyway and it would be a good place to disappear for a while. In the meantime you decided to make small talk.

Before you could get to the warehouses a call came to your den den mushi. The other end of the line, that's it, that's the reason for the feeling in your stomach. On the other end was your Father. Somehow the past day made you forget he was coming. Now that Luffy knew who you were that wasn't the main concern.

However, the fact you had joined Luffy's crew is a whole new can of worms. Your dad, like many of the pirate parents, sees you as a precious treasure. His only daughter. He had almost lost you because of your mother, the idea of you being away from "safety" wouldn't  please him. This life you lived is the safest it could be, hidden in plain sight. He didn't want you to leave this place, especially not to join a crew, even if it was his own.

"Hello?" The voice calls you out of your thoughts.

"Oh Sorry, what's up?" You reply

"We should be to your island in about two hours!"

"I'll be sure to roll out the red carpet" you chuckle "see you soon!"

"You too." And he hangs up. He took your responses to mean you werent alone, this not up for a chat.

You turn to an excited Luffy, "Was that Shanks!? He is coming!?"

"Yup" you laugh while turning a corner to head back towards the main part of town, "now I need to go tell a town of his fans he will be here soon"

Luffy grins and chuckles as he keeps in step with you. You were headed to the best place to spread news, the tavern.

"Yo, ______ !" The barkeep calls as you cross the threshold "already done with work or taking an early lunch break?"

"Nope, came to deliver news" you say and the bar goes quiet, "Shanks is about two hours out, he is coming for the festival"

Immediately the bar erupts into hoots and hollers, attracting passersby and spreading the news like wildfires. By the time they arrived at the dock there might as well have been a red carpet like you had joked.

Almost everyone on the island loved, not just Shanks, but the whole crew. The younger children were so excited to hear the slightly exaggerated Tales from Yasopp. The older kids were waiting to hear the "real" stories from the other members of the crew. You are hiding your excitement, and fear, behind a well-trained air of calm decorum. Though he seems to have forgotten, you hadn't seen your dad in over a year now because of the events of the world.  You missed him. It was hard to be calm when all your teenage heart wanted was to run into his arms. Now that you think about it, because Luffy won the bet you won't have to hide much longer. It will be nice to be able to proudly say "I'm the daughter of red-haired Shanks", instead of a daughter of none.

As that thought goes through your head the Red-haired Pirates step foot on the dock. A few of the crew members ask for help carrying things off the ship, Shanks always made sure to bring extra supplies when he came to visit. Adults from town, older boys who wanted to show off, and part of the straw hat crew all stepped in to help.

"It's so nice to be back here!" Shanks howls while stretching out his arm.

"I'm glad you decided to join us for the holiday that's basically about worshipping you" you say as you reach out your hand to shake his.

"Ouch! I see being the leader has helped you develop a sharp tongue",  he laughs as he takes your hand, "plus it isn't about me. It's about this place becoming a Haven."

"That wouldn't exist without Whitebeard and you." You both laugh.

then he released your hand and turned, "Luffy!" He said putting your captain in a headlock, "Long time no see! Really making waves out in the world!"

Luffy laughs and complains about the headlock "Shishishi~~let go! I can't breathe!"

"Are you about to head out or are you staying for the festival?"

"We can't leave!" Luffy smiled and your body tensed, "The kids invited us to stay, plus festivals mean tons of meat!!"

You sweatdrop, at least he didn't yell into the crowd that he had recruited you. "Sorry to break up the reunion, but I need to update Shanks on business and then get back to work."

Shanks sighed, "of course, always a party pooper" as the two of you begin to turn and walk to your house.

"Can I come?" You both freeze, turning back to a weirdly excited Luffy.

"Ummm... I guess you can" you look at him confused, "this isn't going to be a fun meeting"

"She is right, it is a progress and general report on the island" Shanks joins in, "it is only supposed to be for Captains that committed to providing the island with protection", he was trying to guard you by pushing Luffy away. This is one of the few times you can be completely yourself.

"I want to join the group of guardians for this place" Luffy smiles. The tone of his voice in that did something to you. He was respecting your home even while taking you from it.

"Okay then, but I dont want to hear any complaints if you get bored." You say as you usher both Captains to follow you. After a short walk you are all in your office, about to descend to the secret meeting room.

(Insert jojo to be continued picture here)

A/N I dont have the picture on my phone so I will add it later once I can get my computer to work.

Long time no read lol I actually have 2 more chapters already hand written. It is just a matter of typing them up.

Yes I hand wrote them. I didn't have wifi and my computer is on the fritz so I didnt want to loose the work. If that had happened I would have 100% forgotten what I wrote. I already do that for the chapters in here.

With that in mind please excuse slight continuity errors lol thanks

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