Author Note

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Full disclosure I hate author note chapters but I felt like I should update anyone who cares about this story as to why I went dark for so long.

Hello, I have been away from wattpad for like 2 months. I moved. To South Korea. I am a new English teacher here but the Corona outbreak happened while I was at orientation. I now have wifi in my apartment so i can actually get on wattpad... and now my computer is having issues. I will probably keep updating and just use my phone to type it out but at the moment I'm actually having to work at school. (Also typing on my phone means there are going to be more grammar errors like missing commas)

For those who dont know the Korean school year starts in March, usually on the 2nd. They delayed school because of the virus and they kept delaying school. Now they are implementing online schooling. This is a huge challenge for the teachers and students where I was placed because not all of the students have access to a personal computer they can spend the whole school day using. The schools are all doing it slightly differently and my school decided to still have the kids do basically a normal day of school. Just with a few more short breaks.

What they want me to do is video calls individually with students. Most other English teachers are doing pre recorded videos, aka Dora the Explorer but English class and not as fun.

Basically in this whole whirlwind of coronavirus and my first teaching job after college. I have no idea what to write. Though I admit I wrote down my daydream as it happened earlier... because I had no tasks but still had to wait until it was time to go home before I could leave the school.

I was really surprised to see that people had been reading this. Thanks guys!

Luffy x reader fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora