Chapter 10

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The rest of the meeting was actual business that you had to get out of the way. Mostly just updating Shanks on who has been here and when. The only two differences from usual were Luffy's presence and your dads newfound need hold onto you while you spoke. Did you miss your dad's hug? Yes. Was is painfully awkward considering  the circumstances? Also yes. Whatever was said while you were out set Shanks into a "dad mode" level you have never seen before. His protective grip on you, which you were eventually able to make a handhold instead fo full bear hug, made it seem like Luffy said something romantic. Plus that warning you woke up to.

Once the meeting was over you were able to make your dad release his vice grip. As you were leaving the secret room he said, "You don't really need this anymore." and pulled the wig off your head.

"True, but it is way less dramatic if I just walk out of here without it." you shrug, "would have been more fun if I left it on until the last second."

"Stop the act. What is your actual concern?" 

Dang dad always knowing when you are lying, "There are spies in town. They'll cause trouble."

"Neither the navy or your mother will make a move on the town if I am here."

You stare at him for a while, "How can you be sure? I am not putting this place in danger."

"She knows she cant take you from me, she has tried" he threw the wig into the trash, "The navy knows you are my daughter, I told them myself. They will probably put a bounty out as soon as you are off the island." he shrugged, "Plus I want to finally be a proud father, showing off my beautiful girl, and amazing leader, to anyone I can!"

"Thanks dad."

"Plus _________, You look much better with my red hair" he hugged you again. He seemed to be a lot less cautious all of the sudden. Ripping the bandaid off himself that you are getting older. It felt to you like he was opening your cage and throwing the key into a volcano. Literal and figurative weight had just been lifted from your shoulders. The wig was heavy, now its gone. The constant hiding and secret keeping, done. As the three of you walked out of the house your hair was hit by the sun for the first time in forever. Flaming red hair, the exact shade of your dad's, shining as you walked back towards the square.

There was collective shock when everyone realized what happened. The spies were scared. The hair was somehow the key to seeing the family resemblance. A few villagers fell at your feet, crying.

"IF WE HAD KNOWN IT WAS YOU WE WOULDN'T HAVE TAKEN THE MONEY" they cried, "We can't give you up to her."

"No. Do it. Send her a picture of me with my dad." you said, "Send it off and tell her it doesn't matter."

"How can it not matter ______? You have been hiding for years"

"I am leaving. Even on the fastest ship she wouldn't be able to get here in time, neither can the navy" you laugh, "So no hard feelings. Just make sure to get a good shot"

You pull your dad by the arm and pose. Sticking out your tongues and holding up Vs with one hand each. Even without words the two of you were I  sync, ready to make her feel like a fool.

He snapped the photo then you said, "go spread the word that I have an announcement but don't spoil it. You already know the end of the story but I want them to hear it from me"

"Yes ma'am" he and the others said then ran off.

You walked to the town square and waited by the fountain. As the people gathered there was a restless nature to the crowd. They saw you and your dad. They saw that hair. Uncertainty hung over them as the older in the group worried something was coming and the younger were afraid you would leave. No one dared speak to you while they gathered. You spoke to your dad and Luffy casually the whole time, you needed their calm to help you at the moment. Around 4:30pm everyone was in the square, even the Strawhat and Redhaired crews. You climbed up on top of the fountain's highest level.

Taking a deep breath you began, "I won't hold you in suspense. I am leaving the Waif after the festival." Your voice carried over the silent crowd, "I know you can see me. I know you are smart enough to put it together. This is my natural hair, an inherited color from my father, Captain Shanks. His status as the island's benefactor is unchanged."

Murmurs began to wave through the crowd, "Are you leaving with your daddy?" A child at the front of the group yelled up to you.

"Nope." You smile, "I am joining the Strawhat crew. Why would I want to join a bunch of old men?"

Most of the crowd roared with laughter along with you, not Shanks and his crew though. They all complained and called back that they "weren't that old" which just made you and the crowd heckle back at them. 

After the laughter died down a bit you began to speak again, "Anyone who wants to challenge being the next leader will be tested on the last day of the festival! I won't go easy on you just because I am leaving!" You look over the crowd for a minute, "That's all folks!" You say before jumping from the fountain to the ground.

About as soon as your feet are on the ground you are mobbed by children, all demanding you to stay. Giving them a lesson about keeping promises and being honest may not appease them but it did quiet them down. You did promise to come back and visit someday, which helped them calm down. For the sake of honesty you had to point out you didn't know when it would happen, but you would still make it back someday. Luffy and your dad had both wondered back to their respective crews and the crews had slowly been pushed together by the crowd. You made your way to them, answering questions as you went. Finally you stood in front of both men with their crews behind them. Your father and your new Captain.

(To be continued)

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