💝 Training 💝

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{AU where Kylo and Rey haven't been formally introduced yet, and Kylo isn't part of the First Order}
*Reys POV*
I floated about in deep meditation as I awaited Leías return. The sounds of the woodland creatures echoed through the thick wall of trees  and the buzz of my lightsaber rung with a quiet tone.
I leapt down from the spot which I suspended myself mid-air and walked over to BB8 who kept me company while Leia went to fetch my new training partner.
I dusted off the handle as I talked with BB,
"Do you know who my new partner will be?"
He beeped in response.
"No? What a shame, I'm so curious-"
All of a sudden a tall figure with long curly locks appears, his dark eyes pierced my soul as I stared back at him.
I hold my lightsaber up, "who are you?"
"This is Ben, your new training partner," Leia steps out from behind his tall figure, "My Son."
She smiles as I lower my weapon.
"Hello," he says in a low, husk, "I'm Ben Solo, and you are?"
"Rey," I said.
"Just Rey"
He smiles as he pulls out his saber, I look confused at the three ends, he lights it up and I see the red, blazing figure.
"Nice Saber," I said.
I attack him, full speed with my lightsaber, not holding back.
Son of Han and Leia Solo, Nephew of Luke Skywalker, himself. He can't be less than perfect.
I thrust forward as his guard was down, but he quickly realizes the situation and jumps out of the way.
I strike down, as his saber comes up to block, but I am quickly thrown back by the force.
So, he is practically perfect, as I assumed.
The fighting goes on, for at least an hour. I start to get tired. I hold my Weapon diagonally and lurch forward, and so does he. Our beams collide and are ground together as a low hum emits from them.
I stare at him, refusing to break eye contact, like a childish staring contest, only with a touch of danger.
"You're good," he smirks,
"So are you, not that I expected anything less from the son of Princess Leia and Han Solo himself."
He chuckles not breaking contact, a cute laugh. I feel my face get hot. The orange hue from the mix of red and gold light reflects onto my face, covering up some of the blush.
I let myself cool down before jumping back, not far though, due to myself being exhausted.
Leia walks over to us, "still fighting?"
I don't even really remember her leaving,
"I'll give you both 3 minutes, then I think we should get some supper."
We continue for a short 3 ticks on the clock, then go back to the main bases cafeteria.
I grab a few pieces of fruit. I'm not hungry, just tired.
I sit down, at a table by myself. Finn and Poe are out on a mission, along with Chewy, and Rose is working at the moment, and I don't really see anyone I'm too familiar with, so I grab my own seat at an empty table and relax.
Shortly after, the tall man who I had sparred with earlier comes over and sits next to me.
"H-hello," I say, confused.
"You looked lonely."
We sit uncomfortably in silence for awhile.
"You did good today,"
"Well, your uncle did train me for awhile."
Again, awkward silence.
Then all of a sudden he stood up, "come with me, Rey."
He extended his hand, covered by a black leather glove.
I looked at it for a second then accepted his offer, reaching out and taking his hand
"I want to show you something beautiful."
I followed close behind, our extended arms connected, our hands fit like puzzle pieces, perfectly our hands rested together.
He led me along a path, a narrow dark one, as the sun began to set we hurried, finally reaching the base of an old ruin.
He pulled me up the steps as we climbed all the way to the top.
We finally arrived and it was.... amazing.
We sat down and stared over the horizon at the two suns as they set.
The colorful sunset relaxed me, it comforted me as the cool breeze passed me by, and the different shades of gold and orange kissed my skin.
I looked over at Ben, who looked back at me.
"Thank you." I said, quietly.
He reached for my hand and pulled it close to him.
His warm smile making me shiver as the sun set and the cool of the night made the temperature drop.
I leaned in closer as we sat there silently.
How did this happen?
How did I just meet this guy and- whatever.
Tonight, will be alright.

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