💝 Sweater Weather 💝

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*Reys POV*
It's so cold out, I'm wearing my usual white garb, made for hot places, not the dark side of Pluto!
I shiver and rub my arms, craving any sort of friction.
I look over the dim fire pit at the dark clothed being sitting in the dark.
The stars barely visible, through the ice mast of air.
My breaths shuddering, my lips a pale blue, my heart pumping slowly.
The man across the smothered fire looks over at me, his eyes glowing like burning embers.
"Are you okay?"
"I-I am fine."
We were to enemies stranded on a planet together until the following day. We could easily eliminate each other, but for now we are forced to survive together. We have to, it's too risky to be alone.
"No. We may be allies for tonight, but even so I don't want your help."
He gets up and sits next to me, wrapping his warm cloak around me, pulling me close and rubbing gentle circles on my bicep.
I wanted to pull away, but the heat emitting from his core is comforting, and I crave the warmth.
I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, inhaling deeply his natural masculine musk.
My eyelids felt heavy, and I wanted nothing more than to fall into a deep sleep in the safe arms of Ben, er... I mean, Kylo Ren.
I let my eyelids fall, shutting them and cuddling him as I drifted off into a light nap.
His voice hummed through my ears like a soft lullaby, hushing my thoughts and bringing me to a new place, a new reality, where everything is-
"Are you okay?"
His words echoes through my cranium as I short up, my eyes fly open.
"S-sorry I'm fine!"
My arms fly up as I look defensively at him, as though he accused me of something.
He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me back down towards his warm torso.
"It's okay Rey, I was only gonna ask if you wanted to go to sleep yet.... dawns approaching."
But I was already fast asleep. He pulled my limp body down next to his, as the fire slowly burnt out.
*Third Person POV*
The two lay there, the girl in a deep sleep, the tall male awake, but resting.
He held her close and kept her warm throughout the night his right arm holding her, his left with his lightsaber in hand, ready to fight anyone who dare ruin this precious moment.
When the suns slowly but surely began to rise he watched, knowing that this moment could end any second, any movement, sound or even just the sun, could wake the beauty on his right side.
He brushed her brown locks out of her face to see that she was indeed still asleep.
He stared at her until she moved, signaling that her slumber was complete.
She awoke to see Kylo holding her close. He held his breath as she blinked awake. Looking up at the tall man, confused and glaring at him.
He finches as she moved slightly, thinking a fist was bound to come down at him, but instead she smiled and snuggled up closer, and whispered gently "thank you." Before drifting back off to sleep.

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