💚 Trapped 💚

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651 Words
Requested by Azi_121
*Kylos POV*
{this takes place before Kylo and Rey fall in love}
(Imperial March plays in the background)
I trudged angrily about the hallway, followed by 4 of my most trusted, yet most expendable storm troopers.
I walked up the hallway until I reached the breach in the cafeteria where Rey had dropped by.
She looked at me
"Where is Chew-"
I force choked her and brought her up, she levitated there, not breaking eye contact.
I dropped her and commanded my troopers "go report this to Hux, and tell him I've caught the girl."
"My name is Rey you bastard!"
I squeezed her neck a little harder, then dropped her. She collapsed on the floor, bruises forming in a ring around her neck.
I walked over and grabbed her arm, dragging her to the elevator.
I threw her into the metal chamber, and held her down using "the force."
She suddenly kicked me right in the gut, jumping up and breaking through my force hold.
I got angry and force threw her against the wall before she could light up her lightsaber.
She groaned as her back slammed the wall.
Øne of the ropes in the elevator snapped and we were trapped.
"Look what you did! Arsehole!"
She came up closer to me and flicked my temple.
"This is MY fault?? It's your fault for busting In here!"
Another Cable snapped, øne side of the elevator dropped, Rey fell back, and so did I.
I held myself up with my arms against the wall but when I opened my eyes..
Rey was standing between them.
I tried to back away but the elevator creaked when I did that, and it would be a 50 story drop.
So I stayed there, pinning Rey against the wall, looking away, my face pink with embarrassment, and so was hers.
I tried to break the tension.
"So,,, hows your... uh,, boyfriend?"
"I don't know... who are you dating?"
"Why do you care?!"
We made violent eve contact, anger boiling in our brains.
"I don't!"
"Well, I don't have a boyfriend!!"
I glared at her, getting the sudden urge to kiss her.
I calmed down and looked at her, "have you ever had a boyfriend?"
"No... no guys want to date some weird Jedi girl who doesn't even know her own last name!"
I looked at her, then her soft pink lips. I looked into her eyes, then closed mine as I leaned in, taking herself and myself by surprise.
Her lips were soft and moved in sync with mine.
She lifted her hand up to my face as we made out there, trapped.
It was slow, but passionate.
I soon parted out lips and looked at her.
"What was that for?"
"Rey, I really like you."
Wait for it...
"And I know your last name."
"Really?!" Her eyes lit up.
"It's Solo."
She looked at me confused.
"You are Mrs. Rey Solo."
She blushed and looked away, I lifted her chin and slowly began to kiss her again.
"You are an idiot Ben."
"Mmmmm hehe." I chuckled into the kiss.
"I love you too."
A little while later...
We were still cuddling and kissing, and we didn't even realize the elevator began to move. Eventually the door opened, we then saw Supreme Leader Snoke standing a foot away.
I look over, terrified, but ready to accept the fact that I'll die, I just got everything I wanted within the last 20 minutes.
When the unexpected happened, he began to clap.
"Great! You two can make evil little force babies!!!"
Rey and I blushed as the door shut again, and we picked up where we left off.
Sorry if this is confusing, but I wanted to keep it PG...

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