🖤 ...Surprise! 💝

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This takes place after Rey and Kylo have been dating for awhile, also Leia hadn't died yet.
*Reys POV*
Where could he be??
Since he started training to refresh his Jedi skills and regain the resistance's trust, he had always been so tired and ready to fall asleep. He always gets home before 10, because he's so tired from the training.
I am getting worried, I'll call Leía.
I picked up my walky talky and turned the station to 104.7
"Leía, is Ben okay?"
"What's wrong Rey, is he not home yet? Training ended Five Hours ago! It was a half day!"
"Oh- okay. Bye."
I resort to my last option. Ben and i made a pact not to force call each other unless we are on a mission or it is premeditated.
The room went black.
"Yeah, this øne right here, huh?"
He looks up, "REY?!"
He is wearing a nice outfit and is somewhere with white walls and floors and expensive fancy furniture in the background. A few chairs sat in the back with a white fur carpet and a table with two glasses of wine on it. Cut off the edge of the image was a blue eyed floozy (catch the queen reference?) in a red dress, picking up and sipping at øne of those glasses.
"Rey, I-I can explain..."
"Your- No... why Ben?"
"Rey, please!"
He walked closer towards my image as a tear slipped from my eye.
"We promised no unexpected force calls!"
"Ben, shut up! I see how it is."
"What do you mean?"
"You're cheating on me with that whore."
I point, sobbing to the girl in the background.
"That BITCH!"
I collapse.
"Rey- I didn't want this to happen but..."
"What? Me catch you on a date with some Slut?"
"No- not that.."
"So, am I not good enough? Tch. To think I ever trusted you.."
I rambled on and on.
"Rey- Rey- REY-"
I look at him through tear filled eyes.
"I'm at a jewelry store."
"Buying shit for her, huh..."
"NO!" He waved his arms in the air and grabbed something off of a table I couldn't see.
"Rey, i had something better planned but if I don't do this now I don't think I'll ever be able to do it."
I give a confused look, "break up with me?"
"No-" he gets down on øne knee.
"Rey, please stop being the big sad... and-" he took out a little box, and opened it. A beautiful ring shone. "Marry me."
I smiled and laughed.
He looked confused, "what?"
"I'm so sorry I accused you... YES!"
My hands covered my mouth as I squealed Running to give him a hug but running right through him into the wall of my bedroom.
"That wasn't a question but, okay! I love you!!" He airhugged me, "I'll give you a real øne when I get home." He chuckled.
"Okay, i LOVE you so much!! Sorry about ruining your plans..." I looked away and shrugged.
"Well... surprise!"

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