🖤 Whats Left of Her 🖤

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A/N I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever!! I promise to start updating again!

526 Words

*Kylos POV*
The darkness lifted as the first of four suns shone its red hue over the hill. I squinted my eyes and held my hands up to shield them from the light.
I quickly rushed up into my feet and stumbled forward.
It was over, we won the war.
The battle between the First Order and the Rebellion has ceased.
The rebellion has won, we won!
I saw a girl shifting around in the sand ahead of me.
I shifted my body forward, my leg bruised and burned, possibly even broken.
I hunched my way over, collapsing finally in the sand not but a yard behind her.
I pulled my limp body closer to the corpse I saw lying almost 3 feet away.
I finally grasp onto her belt and pull her to me, her body dragging in the sand and dust flying everywhere as the thirst earth beneath us grasped at any drop of water it could.
I pulled her onto my lap and smiled at her,
"We did it Rey. We did it."
A tear fell from my eye and landed on her cheek as I smiled at her.
I pulled her closer to me, not realizing that there was no space left between us.
I lifted her head to me, "Rey?"
My smile quickly faded as I saw the light fading from her. I place my hand on her chest, "Rey? Rey? Rey this isn't funny," I lay her on the ground and hunch over her. "Rey please, wake up!"
Still, nothing.
I began to feel cold tears run down my cheeks and my vision go glossy.
But she was gone.
I looked down at her as she began to fade away, her dust becoming one with the earth, but it was too late.
"I-I love you..."
But I said it
Too late.
I lay my head down where she once was, sobbing into the ground as mother earths core absorbed my tears and I became one with this desolate world. By that I mean I became nothing.
Life was meaningless, she was gone right before she was mine.
I couldn't take it, I sat up and looked down at the spot where the love of my life disappeared, and I saw nothing but a necklace that had been hers since the dawn of time, one that was draped around her beautiful long neck.
I picked it up and placed it around my own. This was all that I had left of her.

I sat up in bed, awoken in a cold sweat.
I began to feel my heart rate go up and my arms flew to my soaked locks as I took short huffs of air.
"Babe, are you alright?"
A sleepy woman's voice cooed as I felt a soft hand rest on my bicep.
I turned,
"Ben? What's wrong?"
I smiled and pulled her into a tight hug, crying.
"I love you, don't ever leave me, 'Kay?"
"Alright!" She chuckled
"I love you too."

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