Part 1 Chapter 7

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The first rays of sun pierce through the yellow curtains and warms up my room. I wake up, rested and fresh like a rose. I do not remember having such a peaceful sleep. No nightmare came to disrupt my entry into my eighteenth year. My day will be very busy, but I am ready to face it. The adrenaline flowing through my veins gives me the energy to brave any challenge. In appearance, it is a day like any other, but I know deep down that this is the beginning of a new life and the end of my torment.

I sit upright and without stopping myself, I start to clap my hands and feet while retaining my cries of joy. The nervousness makes me feel like a little girl. I stretch out to contain my energy and breathe deeply the smell of roses that perfumed my room all night long. This scent gives me the determination to start my day.

It is a Friday and as planned, I must go to class. But for the first time in my life, I decide that I deserve a day off. I am going to skip school. I am excited because I have never missed a day of class. Even when I was sick, I preferred going to school rather than spending the day listening to my grandmother whining. This thought motivates me. I have a lot of things to do so I do not have any seconds to lose.

I do not understand myself anymore, I have scattered ideas, , and my brain runs at a hundred miles an hour. Breathe Jenny, breathe, I say to calm myself down. I take the brown envelope that contains my list that I have hidden under my pillowcase and check that I have not forgotten anything. I put it on my bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower.

I start by doing my daily routine. I comb my chestnut hair, but I let them drop on my shoulders. No ponytails for me today. I feel rebel to this thought. I then dig into my wardrobe to find the classiest clothes I have. A fitted black dress that goes down the knees and a short navy-blue jacket are the perfect set to make me look like an adult. I look in the mirror behind my door and I am satisfied with the image it projects. I feel a little disobedient in this outfit, sophisticated, but also mischievous. Only my shoes contrast with my ensemble, but that is all I have. Simple black ballerinas with very worn flat heels complete my appearance.

I then take out of my closet the little suitcase that I used when I came to this house and began to fill it. I put in what I think I need for the next few days. Anyway, I will buy a full new wardrobe. The clothes I own were given to me through the church. They are obsolete and second hand, just good for the trash. When I finish gathering the few things that I own, I realize that a new life begins for me. It is intoxicating. I catch myself singing the "happy birthday" melody and start laughing.

I take my suitcase, my backpack and look for the last time at the small room where I spent my nights crying over my sorrow. I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and go down to the kitchen. My grandmother is already seated and waiting, like every morning, that I serve her breakfast. She remains speechless when she sees her granddaughter, suitcase in hand, dressed in her Sunday clothes. I stared at her in the eyes with a determined look and say without taking my breath.

- Hello grandmother. As you know, I'm eighteen today. I just wanted to let you know that I obey your orders for the last time, I'm leaving this house. I thank you for allowing me to stay during these last years. Goodbye grandmother.

Without waiting for her to reply, I take my suitcase, my backpack, and head for the exit door under the glare and surprise of my grandmother. I hear her screaming after me, insisting that I come back to cook her breakfast. If she thinks that I am going to turn around to do her biding, she is sadly mistaken. I will never submit to her requests again. My thoughts surprise me. I have no ounce of wickedness in me, but for her I have no compassion. She deserves what happens to her.

Slamming the door behind me, I walk with a decided step, without turning around. I go down the driveway to the bus stop that will take me to my school. I need to go to town and that is the only way to get there. I cannot call a taxi because I do not have enough money to pay for the long drive to the city. I must keep the rest of the money that I have for the trip from school to the bank. So, when the bus stopes in front of me, I go up and I take my usual place in the vehicle with my biggest smile. I find myself saying hello to my classmates, which I never had the courage to do before. Some are shocked to see me so daring, but not as much as me. I even receive whistles from some boys. I float literally flattered by this attention.

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