Part 3 Chapter 15

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The return is more pleasant. I am relaxed and I enjoy my bike ride a little bit more. I embrace Steven harder, grabbing him like a lifeboat. My fears are gone, I feel safe with him. I feel his heart beating under my hands and it comforts me. I believe now that all my problems have disappeared. I still feel the soft caress of his lips on mine. These are my first kiss and they have been wonderful. I felt a bit awkward at first, but when his lips leaned gently on mine, I let myself go. Steven knew what to do and he was a wonderful guide.

The ride back seems shorter this time. I would have liked keeping him close to me for a few more moments. His heat is exhilarating. The closer we get to our apartments, the more my anxiety gets the better of me. I do not want this moment to end. In his arms, I feel good and I take advantage of the present moment. Getting off his bike, Steven pulls me to him and kisses me vigorously. I am uncomfortable. What will the neighbors think if they see us like this? But Steven's embrace reassures me. I will never be tired of the touch of his lips on mine. Hand in hand, we head for the apartment Steven shares with his mother, the one next to mine.

- Sorry Mom I know I'm late. I was a little busy, he said uneasily as he entered the apartment.

He moves down a bit to let me in.

- Meet Jenny, my girlfriend, said Steven proudly.

Ha! Okay, I am his girlfriend. I did not think we were there yet. But I like it. I will not complain. I admit that since the first day that our eyes met, I dreamed about it. He was in my thoughts from morning till night. I have never had a boyfriend; I do not really know what to do or how to act. I do not want to fill up my head with the details, I will trust Steven and enjoy every moment with him. One step at a time.

- Hello, I'm Christine, said Mrs. Sullivan, holding out her hand. You are our neighbor, I believe?

- Yes, Mrs. Sullivan, I live next door, I replied, blushing.

- Please, call me Christine. I'm pleasantly surprised to meet you. This is the first time Steven introduces me to a girlfriend.

- Mom, don't make her uncomfortable, sighs Steven exasperated.

- Alright, alright. Come join us at our table, my beautiful Jenny. It's nice to have company. I love to eat alone with my son but having another woman at my table will bring other topics of conversation.

Throughout the evening, Steven is affectionate with me. All these little gestures make me feel uncomfortable. I am not used to so much attention, especially since Steven's mother looks at us constantly, watching for the slightest moves from his son. This one does not stop from displaying a happy smile after every look of affection that Steven has for me.

The evening takes place in a relaxed atmosphere without pretense. Steven keeps smiling and his eyes are bright. He radiates joy. His mother is sweet and very welcoming, which makes me very comfortable and helps me to overcome my embarrassment. I see in Mrs. Sullivan the kindness and sincerity that has been transmitted to her son. However, this one is very curious. She constantly asks questions to better know the one that makes the heart of her son vibrate. I remain discreet in my answers, especially when she asks me about my past. I avoid talking about the death of my parents. These tragic memories haunt me every night and I do not want to ruin this pleasant evening.

The evening meal ended, I help Mrs. Sullivan to clear the table and do the dishes while Steven goes to water the flowers outside. She takes the opportunity to question me more about my intentions towards her son. She does not want him to suffer another break. I do not know what break she is talking about, but she looks so sad that I refrain from asking her the question. On the other hand, I do not know what to tell her. Everything is new to me; I do not even know how to behave when you are in a relationship with someone.

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