Part 2 Chapter 8

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I look at my reflection in the window of the bank and I display a big smile to give me confidence. It is with determination that I open the large glass door and enter the building with white marble floors and vaulted ceilings. I am impressed by the richness of the materials that surround me. This is the first time I see things of such beauty. For a moment, which seems like an eternity, I stop in the center of the room and contemplate the show. I have never been to a bank before, it is impressive. I shake my head to regain my senses. I must stay focused on my mission.

I go to the information desk on my right and introduce myself. A lady in a green suit designed with a plunging neckline welcomes me. Her hair is lifted into a bun and the red lipstick screaming on her lips is what is most visible on her face. She smiled at me as she revealed those perfectly white teeth. Before she speaks to me, I ask to meet a counselor. She dials a four-digit number on her phone. I stay there without moving.

- Mr. Camely, a young lady asks to meet you, she said in a condescending tone.

Someone answers her on the other end of the line, but I cannot hear him since she turns on her chair. She starts laughing at a comment that her speaker tells her. Then, hang up without even replicating. She bypasses her counter and gives me a sign to come with her. Pulling my suitcase behind me, I follow her like a robot, feeling a little foolish. Arriving in the waiting room, she invites me to sit on one of the chairs leaning against the wall. I am alone in the tiny and sweltering room.

-A counselor will be ready to meet you soon, she said, without bothering to look at me.

My heart beats so hard that I worry that we can hear it. I must calm down, otherwise I will not be taken seriously, and it is crucial that I stay focused on my goal. I take control of my breathing to relax. Breathe, exhale, breathe. I feel brave, so mature and proud of myself, but my nervousness outdoes my determination. I should not overreact; this money belongs to me. I start making foolish scenarios. And if it was just a joke or another nightmare that haunts me since the disappearance of my parents.

- Calm down Jenny, stop making scenarios, I said to myself, covering my face with my hands. I repeat in a whisper, breathe, exhale, breathe, exhale.

A few minutes later, the lady of the reception returns to find me. We can hear her heels slamming on the floor. She gestures for me to follow her and escorts me to a small cubicle at the back of the service counters. A man of fifty years with well-groomed looks waits for me sitting behind his desk. The man gets up at my arrival and holds out his hand. He then invites me to sit on the chair in front of him. A computer, a tablet of paper and pens are carefully arranged on the desk.

- Hello, miss, my name is David Camely. You asked to meet me. What can I do for you ?

- I'm Jenny-Rose Parker. I was informed yesterday that there was an account in my name in your bank. I would like to have access to it. Here are the documents that stipulates it and my identity card.

- Good ! Let's examine everything.

Mr. Camely takes the documents that I give him timidly. He carefully examines every detail and then saves it on his computer. He nods occasionally. At an impressive speed, he continues to move his fingers on the keys of the keyboard. After looking at the documents and at his computer several times, Mr. Camely turns to me and smile before speaking.

- I see that all these documents are conform. You now have access to $ 750,000. I can advise you according to your wishes. How would you like to proceed, Miss Parker?

Phew! Everything is real. I take a deep breath to calm my excitement. I close my eyes a few moments and resume my calm, I must think and act responsibly. I could take the money and spend it for craziness, but it would not be serious. In no time, I would have nothing left. I need to be logical in order to think about my future. I must consider my priorities. I am only 18, I have all my life in front of me. I do not have to be silly and spoil everything. I sit upright on my chair and address Mr. Camely calmly and seriously.

- I want the right to use this money at any time, but I want it to stay safe in your bank. So, I need a checking account with an ATM card as well as a credit card for more expensive purchases. I also need, for the moment, $ 500 in cash.

- Perfect ! Miss Parker, I'll prepare everything you need, and I'll be back in a short while. Would you like anything else ?

-Well, I said hesitantly. Can I have a glass of water?

- Of course, with pleasure Miss Parker. My assistant will come to see you in a moment.

I am dehydrated. Taking water will surely calm all the emotions that jostle in me. The counselor tilts his head in recognition and leaves his office. Seconds later, the beautiful receptionist arrives with a bottle of water and a basket of muffins. At the sight of the basket, I realize that I have not eaten anything since I woke up. Too excited to start my new life, I completely forgot to eat. Seeing the basket full of muffins as appetizing as they look, I feel my stomach twist. I draw in the basket without hesitation and I take one chocolate muffin. I have always loved chocolate, but I have not eaten it as often in the last four years. My grandmother considered this delicacy a luxury and allowed me to eat it only on rare occasions. I approach the muffin to smell the aroma and bite into the dough thoroughly cooked. I savor every mellow bite that melts in the mouth. It is a pure delight.

Mr. Camely comes back with what I demanded; at the same time, I just finish eating my muffin. I lick my fingers and wipe them on my skirt. I look ridiculous, but Mr. Camely makes no comment. He gives me my cards, my cash and my official documents. He explains how to make withdrawals and accompanies me to exit the bank.

I stay a few moments in front of the bank watching passersby. I am very proud of myself. I now feel able to face the world. I can proceed to the next steps on my list and especially start my new life.

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