Part 2 Chapter 10

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I am exhausted but satisfied of my day. I walk a few feet to the most beautiful hotel in the area, the Hilton Wilmington Riverside. I know it is an expensive place, but I do not want to deprive myself anymore and for one night I want to enjoy it. We must not forget that it is still my birthday. So, what better than a gift offered by me.

 Arriving at my destination, I enter the hotel with the gallant welcome of the concierge who unloads my arms and puts everything on a cart. He then guides me to the reception desk, which takes up almost all the space in the lobby. A young woman in her twenties with dark complexion welcomes me.

- Hello, Miss, how can I help you?

- I would like a room for tonight, I say in a serious tone.

- Good ! View of the city or the river? asks the receptionist focusing on her computer.

- View of the river, it would be nice, thank you.

- Perfect ! So, a single room with a view of the river. I will need an ID. And how will it be paid? she said condescendingly.

- By credit, I replied, handing her the requested document.

I use my credit card for the first time. I am so proud and excited to show it to the receptionist that I miss dropping it. I feel really mature and the image that is reflected on the mirrors of the reception confirms it to me. Even if I wear a simple jeans and shirt, I look distinguished and I demonstrate pride.

The concierge of the hotel escort me to my room on the fifth floor. He accompanies me in the elevator pushing the cart that contains all my bags and my little filthy suitcase. An awkward silence settles in, but the music coming out of the speakers relaxes the mood. Once arrived on the floor, I follow the concierge with a hurry. When he opens the door of my room and indicates me to enter, I remain speechless. I have never seen anything so beautiful. The room is magnificent. Nothing to compare to the small room that has hosted me for all these years. My eyes wander the room while the concierge fights with the door and the cart that remains stuck in the doorway.

In the center of the room is a very large bed covered with a white comforter. It is also filled with feather pillows and in the center is a small cushion with silver colors. This big bed looks so comfortable that I cannot wait to relax in it. The urge to throw myself with all my length takes me by surprise, but I change my mind when the concierge starts to cough signifying that he has deposited my luggage. I cannot contain my joy; I laugh like a kid and look in all directions. I go around the room under the confused stare of the concierge. He cleared his throat to catch my attention. It is at this moment that I realize that I am not alone. So, I pull myself together and dig into my tote to pull out my new wallet. Embarrassed, I give him a generous tip for his efforts, and he leaves the room with a satisfied smile.

Finally, alone, I run around my suite, bouncing and touching everything that falls under my hand. A large bathroom at the end of the room is decorated with granite and a huge oval-shaped mirror covers the entire wall. Underneath there is a vanity filled with bath products and branded accessories. I take each small bottle and read the labels carefully. I open some to smell the aroma. A large glass shower covers a large part of the bathroom. I imagine myself under the relaxing jets for hours.

As I explore the room further, I admire the view through the large bay window. My room is on the side of the picturesque Cape Fear River in the town of Wilmington. The sky is blue and absent from clouds. The sun is bright which gives a mirror reflection on the water. I can also see in the distance the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge which gives access to the other shore. The view is splendid, and I remain a few moments watching this beautiful landscape.

I open my suitcase and unpack my bags to spread my pretty things on the big bed. I dance with my beautiful red dress in front of the mirror and fall back on the bed. I am overflowing with joy. The fourteen-year-old girl who had such optimism four years ago is re-emerging.

Suddenly, my belly starts making noises so loud that I burst out laughing. My chicken wings and fries seem far away. It is obvious that I am starving. I decide to get ready to fill the hole in my stomach. However, I must first get rid of the sweat I have accumulated throughout the day. I head for the bathroom and get rid of my clothes without delay.

 I light up the candles that I bought during the day and start the shower to warm it up. I put on a shower cap, so I do not wet my hair. Seeing my reflection in the mirror, I start to laugh. I look ridiculous with this hat on my head, but I do not want to undo Missy's work. The hot water flowing over my back makes my anxiety of the day disappear and relaxes me to the level of drowsiness. Before falling asleep in the shower, I turn off the tap and dry myself with a soft white towel. I then wrap myself in the bathrobe provided by the hotel. It is so soft on my skin that I feel like I am wrapped in velvet.

I dress up with my new underwear and gently put on the red dress. I complete the whole thing with my red and black pumps. I take the time to redo my styling and contemplate myself in the mirror. Wow! I am superb. I hardly recognize myself. With this dress, I find that I look like my mother. I suddenly turn away to avoid crying while thinking about her. I also take my new handbag that fits perfectly with my outfit and slips in my wallet. I am all in beauty, perfect for eating at an elegant Riverwalk restaurant.

Walking elegantly along the river, men of all ages who are alone or accompanied look my way. The image of the embarrassed, self-contained and uncomfortable young woman who has subtly encrusted herself over the past four years is no longer there. The new Jenny starts to bloom, and I like it.

I decide to eat in a small restaurant where I often went with my parents at the time, the Elijah. I am sitting at a table outside the establishment near the river so I can enjoy the view and breathe the fresh air. A feeling of freedom invades me. The waiter brings me a glass of water and the menu. He is charming with his black shirt and red bow tie. Background music comes from inside the restaurant. I look at the menu and decide to order my favorite dish, shrimp sautéed with mushrooms.

After waiting about thirty minutes, the waiter comes back with my plate of seafood. I savor each bite gently which fills me until satiety. I also allow myself a foolishness. I salivate at the dessert menu and order a big piece of chocolate cake. By custom, I quietly hum in my head the air of happy birthday, what I did on the same date for four years. I then leave my credit card to the server to pay my bill.

Satisfied, I decide to walk a little to digest everything I swallowed. As I walk nonchalantly along the Riverwalk, I see a sign in front of a small house showing that there are rooms to rent for the summer. On the front of other houses, there is also the same kind of advertisement. It is a happy coincidence, but in truth it is not so.

Students from North Carolina University in Wilmington have just started their vacation and many of them are returning to their families for summer, leaving vacant rooms near the campus. I cannot afford to stay at the Hilton, the rooms are way overpriced. I will quickly have spent all the money I inherited. I buy a souvenir pen in a kiosk on the boardwalk and write down the phone numbers on my restaurant receipt. As soon as I wake up tomorrow morning, I will make calls to get the information of the rooms to rent.

Back at the hotel, exhausted by this busy day, I undress and put on my new nightie. I remove the makeup using the products offered by the hotel and brush my teeth. With a shuffling step, I slipped between the silky sheets of the big bed. I sit beside the cushions that fill the bed. In this way, it seems to me less immense. I position my pillow to support my head comfortably. I am so tired, and the bed is so cozy that I fall asleep automatically.

I spent an emotional day, but so beneficial to my mental health. I gained confidence hours by hours during the day. I think I started my adult life successfully. Many challenges are yet to come, but now I feel confident and ready to face them.

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