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Third person p.o.v

"Is it smudged?" Jungkook asked feeling paranoid as they walked down the side walk, still on their way to school.

"No, it looks fine."

Jungkook smiled to himself, he was glad Jimin was using his brain for once and thought of using make up.

"You should be excited, people treat nines absolutely amazing!" Jimin whined both jealous and in awe.

Jungkook nodded, "yeah, and hopefully this way Taehyung will notice me."

Jimin nudged the others side, "of course he will, he's noticed every other nine in our school, why would he suddenly skip you?"

Jungkook shrugged.

Once they made it inside the school, they happened to be around twenty minutes late.

They went to the office and got assigned into their classes and bid goodbyes.

"Good luck kook." Jimin smiled before turning down the opposite hall.

Jungkook walked alone down the empty hall to his locker.

He spun in his lock combination and opened it, slipping his bag off his shoulders and stuffing it inside.

The first class Jungkook had that morning was science, and luckily enough for him, Taehyung had also happened to be in that class.

In reality Taehyung shared half his classes with Jungkook.

He grabbed out his books and smiled to himself as he walked down the halls.

He was excited to show off his nine.

Well— fake nine, but that doesn't matter.

A nine is a nine.

he walked down the hall, and took a deep breath before stepping into his class.

And as soon as he did, everyones eyes were on him.

Even the teacher had stopped talking.

The only sound that could be heard through out the room was the bottoms of Jungkooks bulky black shoes scraping across the ground as he walked.

His face begun to slightly heat up from all the attention he was getting, ducking his head down a bit into his shoulders as he began speed walking to his spot.

He placed his work on the table and pulled out a stool.

"Jungkook," the teacher, known more specifically as Mr. Lee, had started, "you're late."

The confrontation and all the eyes that were still peering through Jungkooks soul caused him to blush a bit more, "yeah I'm sorry," he answered honestly, in an almost whisper-ing voice.

Mr. Lee sighed, "just don't let it happen again, okay?" Jungkook smiled and nodded.

"of course, sir."

And with that, the teacher had begun teaching again right where he had left off.

Jungkooks classmates did continuously steal a couple glances of him here or there, which Jungkook completely understood.

He too would stare at students when they got there numbers.

But in all honesty all the stares made Jungkook feel quite good about himself.

All the students tried to make their glances subtle by turning their heads real quick.

But obviously, Jungkook always noticed them.

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