a year.

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it's almost been a year
since i met you
since that day
since you flirted with me for the first time
and then will come the year mark for the day you asked for my number
for the day you called me cute for the first time
for when i left him for you
for the night i told you i was in love with you
the day you first told me you loved me
then the day i kissed you for the first time
for the day you asked me to be your girlfriend
my all time favourite
the year mark for the day you left me
or how about the day you told me i ruined your life
how would you like me to refer to that day?
the day you quit your job and blamed me?
the day you packed your shit and hauled your sorry ass back to saskatchewan?
and blamed me.
because fuck if it was in any way your fault.
and fuck if i didn't apologize till i ran out of air in my goddamn lungs.
fuck if i didn't beg you to stay like the pathetic little bitch i am.
i fucking loved you
i fucking love you.
every, goddamn day
i fight
i fight to stay
i fight not to text you
i fight not to beg you to come back
i am at war with my fucking mind
and it's all your fucking fault
that's right
you're not the only one who can place blame
i ruined your life
and you ruined me
jesus christ james,
you were supposed to save me
not destroy me

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