thank you

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this is for you
you know who you are

i want to say thank you.
and, i want to write you a goodbye
one i know you'll see, but one you can't directly respond to.

you are my best friend
no one i've ever met has even come close to comparing to you
your humour, energy, and just your whole personality, completes who i am.
i knew that from the very first day we hung out
what i didn't see coming, was how important to me, you have become
and always will be.
so thank you for the shopping trips
all the midnight runs to town for snacks
and all the take out food
thank you for always thinking of me whenever you made plans
thank you for giving me a chance, looking past my shitty personality and allowing me to shamelessly be myself
thank you for picking on me and letting me pick on you
there isn't a single memory that i can't thank you for.
i will forever cherish the memories we made and the ones we have yet to make.
thank you for the endless support even when you don't agree with what i choose to do
for being my shoulder to lean on time after time
thank you for being such an amazing person and for blessing me with your existence in my life
i love everything about who you are
don't ever change.
we will survive this.
i love you

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