in love

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sometimes when we're facetiming I'll have my phone set up so you can see me and I'll just be doing my own thing playing Candy Crush on my laptop and you'll be playing your games and I'll just glance up at you and you'll be sitting there smiling at me.

or you'll look at me and you'll just get the biggest grin on your face,

in these moments, my heart is at its fullest.

you are my favourite person,

you are my person.

words don't express how happy you make me,

and making you happy?

loving you?

I swear to god it's what I was made to do.

you have all of me.

yeah I can get pissy and have my off days,

but you love me anyway

you love me extra when I need it,

and I can't thank you enough for that.

I can live without you, but I don't want to.

I want this, I want you.

all of you is all i'll ever need

I am so madly in love with you

I am completely yours.

you are my bestfriend and my love

and I never want to lose you again.

you're mine and that's all I ever want.

you are all I ever want.

please never fall out of love with me.

please don't give up on me.

I know i'm a handful

i can be hard to love,

and I can be a lot to handle

i can't even say i'm worth the effort but i can say i love you with everything i am and that has never changed and it never will.

you're everything to me, and i'll do anything for you.

i'll do anything to make you happy,

you are the person i want for the rest of my life.

fuck i've known that since the beginning.

i've known you were the love of my life since the first time i told you i loved you.

i tried, so hard not to love you

not to be in love with you

i tried to replace you and get you off my mind.

out of my heart.

out of me.

but you're there.

you always have been and you always will be.

because i am in love with you.

all of me is in love with all of you.

that will never change.

i never want to have to try and get you out of my system again.

i want this. i want you.

i want us.

i want to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of my life.

i want to come home to you every evening.

i want pointless fights

i want to be stupid and silly with you

i want to go shopping with you

i want to show you new things

i want you.

i want this.

i am in love with you.

i always have been.

and i always will be.

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