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Barney's POV

This was like a living nightmare. Standing in church by side of that assholic Trench and making deal with some cheeky bald one, calling himself Church. I should really think first, which kind of deal, I'm going to make. But, if it will bring good money..? Then, I can give it a try. "So, do you know Karl Aker?" Church asked us. "Nah" I said. "I guess so!" Trench immediately replied, funny smirking at me "You really not into today crime celebrities, huh?"

I fakely smiled at him "Totally not." Church countinued "It doesn't matter. All matter is I want him..dead!" I looked little confused, why we should just come and kill him, but as I checked Trench's laughing face, I knew it's going to be somehow difficult. "That's the greatest insanity ever! Getting Karl is impossible, not even whole army couldn't get him, as he owns almost anyone from them. I'm really not planning get killed like this" Trench said, but before Church could reply, apperead another voice "Not till you have his most favourite sheap."

Shocked, I turned on left and noticed smaller silouetthe, walking up to us. It was girl, could be around late 18. She had long brown hair and dark eyes, which seemed unbreakle. Her whole body seemed very well built, but still looked very well. I've seen lots of women in my life, but none of these would ever be compared to this one. She looked very strong and in same way badass. I could guess it, just the way she certainly walked. But in the end..she was pure beauty. "Let me introduce you" Church said, nodding at her "Guys, this is Sawa."

"Sawa" I thought, realizing how powerfully that name hitted me. "That Sawa?! That Sawa who killed half of Karl's army?! How the hell you get her?!" Trench asked, stunned. "Not all died..they were just on wrong side of gun" Sawa suddenly said, coming to Trench "I've killed only these, which souls were already dead." Followed awkard silence, which Church uncertainly ruined.

"Well, let's rather go to bussiness. Who's interest?" Church said, checking us two. "What's the prize?" I asked. Church smirked "Don't think about prize, till it's going to be done. For now it's just 5 milion dolars, if you need to know." I wasn't sure, if killing the greatest maniac it's worth 5 milion dolars, but for now it wasn't that bad. "Trench?" Church turned at him, with little hope he will agree. "I'll think about it, if this pretty face joins me" Trench smirked, little winking at her.

Cold and serious Sawa's face surprised me. Often it was, that for Trench felt any woman around. "You think it's just some kind of game, don't you? Just that we will come, kill and money are ours..that's a freaking bullshit! Karl isn't only maniac, he's a hell of a genius and if you'll not listen to me, we're going to die in a while. I lived with him, I worked for him..I was kept like his kid..I know exactly what I'm talking about" she said seriously, upsetly nodding over Trench.

Church grabbed her shoulder, turning her behind him. "Of course, she will join you. She's just little tired, my men had to put her in very hard sleep, you know. She will be-" But his muttering to Church was interputted "And what's your name?" I was surprised, she actually noticed me in this whole business chaos. "Barney..Barney Ross" I replied. She slowly walked up to me, studying me. Till we were eyes to eyes and her two brighting ones hitted mine. "I like this skull" she said, nodding at my hand with ring. I uncertainly chuckled "Heh thanks."

"What a lovebirds" Trench smirked "I guess there's no need to talk. Barney, she's yours! Let's let you win at least once." I actually wasn't sure, if I should take it in good or bad way. Trench was asshole, no doubt about it. But if he was jealous, that made me even chuckle at him after all these years. Church seemed dissapointed, that she picked me. "Sawa?! You forgot about our deal, I want Karl dead! And you choose as help over Mauser this-.." I knew I wasn't lately in the best condition, but still I didn't felt that assholic Trench is better.

"This man, who I at least trust? That's what you meant?" Sawa said and that totally cutted Church out of conversation. Then she turned at me. This was first time, when somebody trusted me, although totally didn't known me. It shocked me, but somehow even made me more happy in the end. "Thanks" I muttered, but I guess she totally ignored that, as she was still looking over Church "You told me to choose and as you see, I did. I'm here the one, who you made deal with and I'm going to do all as I promised. So stop pushing me or my partner..fine?!"

Church frowned over us, losing words and kind of conversation with her. "Fine.." he said and Sawa nodded "Great. Shall we go now?" I quickly nodded, still surprised of what mission I actually get in this time. "Wait" Church said, stopping me, while she was already out. "What?" I asked. "You think she likes you, but she's just messing with you. You won't even imagine, what are you get into.." Church said and it really did haunted me, how serious he was. But when I reminded that girl, I just couldn't trust it.

"I don't think she would tell someone she trust him, if she was messing around" I muttered. Church desperately smiled "If you think so..then good luck to not prepare you grave as well.." I didn't heard these last words, I was already walking outside. I wasn't into women that much, but this one wasn't some basic one, she seemed certainly strong and although I've met some females in my life before, none of these were this dynamically...perfect. I've never felt anything about women, but this one..what the hell came over me?!

"You got car?" she asked, when I was out. "Nahh, motorcycle" I said, nodding at my pretty black one. She chuckled "That's much better!" Then I pointed her to sit behind me. "Hold on tight" I muttered. It was weird, but it made me pretty nervous, knowing the fact, she's going to touch me. "Uhm like this..?" she asked, uncertain, holding me around my waist. She was same nervous like I! "Ye-a, exactly" I mumbled and then started to drive. As we were driving, she suddenly shouted "May you could teach me drive on it?!"

I chuckled, shouting behind me "Why not?" She smiled. "And where we are going actually?" she asked, when I turned left. "To some dumbasses you'll have to work with" I replied, while I thought how I'm going to introduce her to them. We never had or even didn't wanted have woman in team, but situation looked that she'll be with us for a while. Although I actually didn't wanted this badass rockstar leaving that soon. Weird, why I liked someone, I totally didn't knew...

Here we are with new chapter! Since I wasn't sure how my work going to turn out, I'm again in and so excited for potraying this story. This time I tried Barney's POV and I must admit it's not that bad, I'm quite happy with result, since I think Barney isn't such a cold growler and if Sawa apperead in his life, these would be clearly his reactions. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter at least a bit and I apologize for all my mistakes. Thank you so much for reading and leave me here some comments xoxo

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