Chapter Thirteen

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Emily was lying down on the floor of the abandoned building next to Vinnie.

He had his arm wrapped around me with big ole' smile.

"I can see the North Star..."

Emily pointed her up at the nighttime sky.

Vinnie looked up and then smiled when he saw the beautiful, twinkling star.

A soft breeze blew towards us and it made him shiver a little bit.

"I'm cold, you ready to go look for the others"?

He asked as he put his logo t-shirt back on and then his jacket.

Emily put her tanktop back on and then her sweatshirt.

Eventually, we both found the guys waiting for us in the limo.

"Our flight back home is tomorrow night, so we need to pack our stuff after lunchtime".

Paul said as he looked at the flight schedule on his cell phone.

Emily smiled, giving Vinnie a playful smirk.

And he wrapped hs arm gently around her shoulder, smiling and then giving her a kiss.

"I take it that you too will be living together once we get back home".

Spaceman smiles teasingly in a friendly way.

Emily blushed and then snuggled closer to Vinnie.

The guitar shredder was excited to be having Emily with him, and he couldn't wait for her to meet his beloved dogs.

When we got to the hotel, we packed up all our stuff in a suitcase and I packed mine separately so that my stuff wouldn't get mixed in with Vinnie's.

Our flight home was only four hours, and Vinnie told the guys that he would be driving home with Emily in his car.

About two hours later, me and the band said our goodbyes and then Vinnie waved at them.

He then helped me with putting my suitcase in the trunk of his car.

Emily sat down in the front passenger seat while Vinnie drove.

We were still far away from where he lived, so we had to make a reservation at a hotel for one night and then we were on our way again.

Finally, Emily saw the home of the famous guitar shredder.

Several sounds of barking could be heard from inside.

Vinnie took out his suitcase from the trunk and then Emily did the same.

Once he unlocked the front door using a set of keys, we were both met with big and little dogs that were excited to see their owner.

They licked Emily's face and she fell in love with them.

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