Starter Sentence Prompt - Lawyers AU

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"You are infuriating!" Harry exclaims and laughs. He shakes his head while reaching for his wine glass. "Objection, objection and guess what, another objection. I can't believe you don't deal with more serious cases. You could have anyone get away with murder if you're representing them."

"Okay, you're reaching right now," Zayn chuckles across the table. "Your client was guilty as fuck and I wasn't about to stand around and have him go free."

"Fine, I know," Harry rolls his eyes and impales some more pasta on his forks before eating it. "But it's my damn job to defend him. Even if he's a piece of shit."

"And it's my job to make sure he doesn't walk free," Zayn shrugs as he eats. "Or walks free. Depends on who hires me."

"We almost got thrown out of the courtroom because of you," Harry laughs. "That's never happened to me. What was that?"

Zayn chews his food and lifts his brows up quickly. "A partner at our firm who was in the courtroom said it was just pure sexual tension."

"Is that why you asked me out on a date afterwards?" Harry smirks, looking at Zayn quickly.

"Maybe," Zayn lets on. "I was really pissed off after the trial was over but I also kinda felt like I would miss you. Is that weird?"

"Well," Harry tries not to grin, trying to hide his lips behind his wine glass. "Some people say a fight is the best foreplay."

"Is that so?" Zayn smirks at him. "How could we ever possibly find out if that's true or not?"


It is true. It's more than true because somehow, they keep meeting up again and again, sometimes just for sex, other times for a proper date as well. Zayn has always had a rule against dating other attorneys because one time, he and his ex-girlfriend from college found themselves standing on the other sides of a courtroom. That relationship didn't end well and neither did the trial.

But there is something about Harry that makes Zayn want to risk awkwardness and unnecessary conflict. He doesn't know what it is but maybe one day he will find out.

Whatever they have right now is working out rather well. Formally, they are dating because they're grown ass men and acting like being casual or a fuck buddy with someone never works out.

"I didn't even ask you how your day was," Harry mumbles as he draws random shapes with his fingers on the naked skin on Zayn's chest. They're both properly fucked out, exhausted not only after the long workday but also that literal sex marathon they just had. Zayn will never stop being astonished of how flexible Harry is. If this is what yoga does to people, he might consider taking it up.

"It was fine," Zayn says as he looks up at the ceiling. "Funniest thing ever happened to me in the courtroom today."


"The dude representing the old lady who tried to sue my client attempted to use a dog as a witness," Zayn chuckles at the memory. He swears that these things should happen only in movies but reality can be funnier than one thinks.

"What the fuck," Harry laughs, turning on his belly so he can look at Zayn and get the rest of the story out of him. "How did that happen?"

"Technically, the dog was also evidence?" Zayn frowns as he tries to formulate the words so he doesn't sound insane. "Basically, the lady tried to say that when he sees her, he doesn't bark but when he sees my client, he barks. That's it."

"Why do the funny things only happen to you?" Harry scoffs around a smile. "It's a tragedy."

"I know, right?" Zayn looks at Harry. "One would think it's impossible but alas, here we are."

"I wanted to ask you something," Harry says out of nowhere, his expression suddenly more sullen. "Would you like to go somewhere for a weekend with me?"

"Like a spa or something?" Zayn frowns a little. "I'd love that."

"No, I mean more like, a family thing," Harry clears his throat, sitting up on the bed. "I'm driving back home next weekend because my mom's turning 60 and we're having a party. So I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with me. Because I'd really like that. You've met my sister but I've literally been talking about you to my mom all the time, every single time she calls me and I'd like you to meet her."

Zayn stills for a bit, his brain whirring too fast for comprehension. "And also like your whole family."

"Please?" Harry says then. "They're all really nice and this doesn't have to be serious or something. I just, I think I love you and it would mean a lot to me if you met my mom. You don't have to, of course."

"Oh," Zayn says then. He honestly doesn't know what to say. It's been a while since he dated dated someone and was confronted with the L and F word. Love and Family.

But with Harry, it has never felt like a looming threat somewhere in the distance that he had to dread and avoid at all cost.

"I'd love that," Zayn settles on saying after he sits up in the bed as well. "And I think I love you too."

Harry smiles so wide at him his dimples disappear. "I've never been more grateful for a courtroom fight than now."


another one from tumblr, hope you like it :) thank you so much for reading!

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