How did i get here ?

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Bakugos POV

I was just minding my own business walking to work as I normally did. I couldn't afford a car and my parents didn't want to give me one. It was a bright and sunny day. The air was fresh and the city was busy. At first I didn't notice the figure following me but as I looked to the ground and saw their shadow, I took a different rote to see if they where actually following me. When I saw the shadow was still there it was too late and my arm had been grabbed. I turn to see a taller male. His hair was half white and half red . I thought it was quite strange but didn't say anything. He looked at me and I looked back. His eyes two different colours but they seemed to bear no life. "Come with me " the stranger said with a cold tone and stared to drag me along. ' what's happening? I need to get to work ... how the fuck is this guy ?!!?' I thought as I got dragged into a back street where I was thrown into a large black van. The doors shut and I was left in the back of this van. I sigh and think ' I need to get out of here ' I look around and sigh seeing there was no way out. After a a couple of minutes I felt the van come to a stop.....
Hey guys if you liked it and you want more please tell me this is just an intro and I will be writing more if u get good feed back

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