Please stop

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Bakugos POV

Please stop is all I could think off make this all stop. You see because I thought that he was done, but of boy I was wrong. I felt him tug on my pants trying to get them off . But of course I have him a hard time because I wasn't going to just let him in like that. Especially because where in public and anyone can see. I feel him looking at me with anger. He punches me in the leg and he takes off my pants and underwear. Tears started to form in my eyes , I couldn't tell if it was from pain or embarrassment. He wipes them with his thumb . God I hate his so much! He pushes me down so I was laying down. I look up at him and then close my eyes. He thrusts into me and places a hand over my mouth. I moan it was muffled by his hand. He starts to thrust. I tired my hardest to imagine this differently. Imagine this with someone eles and not in a public area. But I couldn't my back was pressed up against the arm rest and it hurt a lot. I open my eyes to see him smirking down at me. I hate that smirk I hate is so much. I could barely feel the pleasure it was all pain. Pain in my back , pain in my head . Pain everywhere, he started to speed up and it hurt more because of the friction that was being created. He went in dry so it felt like my ass was on fire. I was crying again I couldn't help it. With every thrust I felt more and more of the pain. He was going harder. With one last hard and deep thrust his member twitched and a hot and sticky substance was released into me. I whine at the feeling. He pulls out and places a but plug in my ass. He then leans down "don't want any to spill out " he whispers and then uncovers my mouth. I sit up and put on my pants and underwear. I then make my way to the exist. He followed. Once I was out of the screening room I ran. My legs felt weak but I managed to get to the bathroom and into a stall. I lock it and sit on the toilet. I pant heavily and look down.

Todorokis POV

I saw him make a run for it so I followed him. Where has he gone ? I've lost him ! I was starting to get very angry at this point "I'll kill him if I ever get the chance!" I mumbled as I walk into the bathroom "PUPPY !" I shout as I started kicking the stalls open. At this point I was just toying with him because I knew he was in there. I look at the locked one "I know you're in there puppy .... come out and your punishment won't be as bad" I say with a smirk but I heard no movement. I kick the door it didn't open "puppy ! Obey me !" I shout. I could hear him crying.

Bakugos POV

I was sitting on the toilet my legs to my chest I cried. All I could here was my "master' screaming and shouting at me. I was scared very scared. Scared of him , scared of what he was going to do when he got to me. I just wanted all of this to stop. I grip onto my hair as I start having a panic attack. I haven't had one of those in a while. I then heard someone open the main door to the bathroom ' please help me ' I thought then heard shouting. 'Was that Security? '

Todorokis POV

The door opened at it was security they pined me to the wall my hands behind my back. I got handcuffed and they take me out of the bathroom. ' just what I fucking wanted ! Now I'll never get to kill that little shit !' I thought as they drag me away. They found my gun and took it off me the police came and they threw me in the car.

Bakugos POV

I heard someone gently knock on the door "hey are you okay ?" Someone said. It didn't sound like my master so I opened the door. The make up that was coving my bruises had rubbed of and the security looked at me. "It's okay now " they say and I just cry in relief. Happy that it was all over happy that I could go back to living normally.

Time skip brought to you by my teddy bear bearemy.

A week had past since they found me getting shouted out by the man who kidnapped me. He got sent to jail for life and my life could go back to normal. Well that's what I thought anyway, but it turns out that being kidnapped, rapped and abused has a huge impact on someone. So some days I can't even get out of bed without cry or having flashbacks to what happened. I've been struggling a lot . Had to move back in with my parents because of this. My mom if very caring but can be a little loud. My dad is very caring but doesn't really know what to say. I appreciate all there help and support but some days I just can't deal with all the stress and ptsd that I get.

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